> Thanks for using the error reporting mechanism supplied with
> DBD::Informix (or providing the equivalent information); it makes it
> so much easier to help you when the necessary information is all
> available.

:) Hey, I'm very willing to do whatever I can do to help you help me. -grin-

> > Do I need to manually build a 64-bit Perl on this AIX box? 
> > Will that offset the problem?
> Either that or get a 32-bit (9.53.UCx) version of ESQL/C (2.81.UCx
> version of ClientSDK).

Turns out this box had 2 perls on it: 32-bit and 64-bit. 

Using the 64-bit perl, DBD::Informix installed just fine. THANKS!

> If you note the options to the C compiler, they include: -q32
> This, I'm pretty sure, tries to compile stuff in 32-bit mode, rather
> than 64-bit mode.  And you can't mix 32-bit objects with 64-bit
> objects -- hence the error.

Roger. Looks like I'm a pretty good guesser!

> I note that the Perl you have installed has both threads and
> multiplicity -- you may want to specify
> DBD_INFORMIX_ESQLC_LINKAGE="-shared -thread" in the environment to
> pick up the ESQL/C thread-safe shared libraries.  I'm not sure whether
> multiplicity has an effect on DBI or DBD::Informix -- I think it's
> something to do with being able to have multiple Perl interpreters
> loaded into a single executable.

I'm up and running now, so I'm hesitant to fiddle with things. Would "-shared 
-thread" be a performance boost? A significant one? (I suppose that would 
depend on what I'm doing?)



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