With all the different versions of the Oracle Client out there you will have
to compile DBD::Oracle for the client you want to use so a PPM may not work

You best bet is to get the source then compile and install it to the client
you are using.

cheers John Scoles

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cole, Ben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dbi-users@perl.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: DBD-Oracle.ppd


I have been desperately searching for a 5.8.* DBD-Oracle.ppd for quite
some time now.  The machine on which I need to install it has no
internet connection.  From what I can tell ftp.esoftmatic.com no longer
exists, and Ive been looking on http://www.cedet.dk/perl/, but for some
reason the .ppd links for DBD-Oracle do not work, they simply give me
this email address.  Any assistance you can provide would be much


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