
If I understand correctlyy execute_array is to do many INSERT at once
AND to contain all colums ? It seem it could could what I want, then...

Example from http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm#bind_param_array

  $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;        # save having to check each method call
  $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO staff (first_name, last_name, dept)
VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
  $sth->bind_param_array(1, [ 'John', 'Mary', 'Tim' ]);
  $sth->bind_param_array(2, [ 'Booth', 'Todd', 'Robinson' ]);
  $sth->bind_param_array(3, "SALES"); # scalar will be reused for each row
  $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => \my @tuple_status } );

Looks interesting but I think I found a better solution using my code...

See next email


John Scoles a écrit :
> I think you want is the |execute_array| <#___top> command
> however you can not use it like this.
> It would be more like this
> SQL='Insert into aTable (Y,X) values (?,?)
> my $tuples = $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => \my
> @tuple_status }, \...@y_values, \...@x_values );
> In your case below you want to bind a single parameter to an array.
> You might have to use |bind_param_array| <#___top> for that
> cheers
> Denis BUCHER wrote:
>> Tim Bunce a écrit :
>>>> Does someone knows if it's possible to specify an array when
>>>> executing a
>>>> prepared statement ?
>>> The question seems confused...
>> Yes was difficult to explain ;-)
>>>> $sth->execute(%array_data)
>>> %array_data isn't an array, it's a hash.
>>> See http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html
>> Yes absolutely, "associative array" i.e. "hash".
>> I didn't developped in perl for a while...
>>>> instead of :
>>>> $sth->execute($array_data["firstname"],array_data["lastname"])
>>> Square brackets are used to access array elements, but in that case the
>>> value in the square brackets must be an integer.
>> Oh yes sorry...
>>> It looks like you're trying to use a hash. For that you'd use curly
>>> braces, like this:
>>>   $sth->execute( $hash_data{"firstname"}, $hash_data{"lastname"} );
>>> Using 'hash slice' syntax (http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html#Slices)
>>> you can shorten to:
>>>   $sth->execute( @hash_data{"firstname", "lastname"} );
>> Ok I didn't know "hash slice" syntax, that's very interesting...
>> What I want is to get the whole hash, therefore maybe what I want to do
>> is this ?
>> $sth->execute( @hash_data );
>> In fact I should explain what I am trying to do :
>> #SELECT FROM database 1 and INSERT INTO database 2...
>> while (@row = $sth_source->fetchrow_array())
>> {
>>     @array_data = @row;
>>     # INSERT
>>     $sth_pgsql->execute(@array_data) or die ;
>> }
>> What do you think ?
>> Denis

Denis Bucher


Denis Bucher   Horus Digital Solutions sàrl  Each problem has a solution
   Tél. +41-22-8000625     Fax: +41-22-8000622      www.hsolutions.ch

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