On Apr 6, 2010, at 8:14 AM, Bobby wrote:

I have MAMP installed and running.  Also I don't care about connecting
to localhost, is there a way to run the drop table tests ect on a
server over the internet? Thanks.

If you have MAMP running, the perl in OS X doesn't know about it. So when you run the cpan command to install the DBD-MYSQL it's failing because it can't find MySQL.

MAMP runs everything (Perl, MySQL, Apache, PHP, etc) WITHIN the MAMP App.

IF you want to run MySQL with the default Perl and apache, etc in OS X, you need to let OS X know where stuff is.

The simplest way to get MySQL working properly with the local perl, in my experience, is to use MacPorts <http://www.macports.org/> (used to be DarwinPorts), and make sure the /opt/... paths are in your ENV.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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