On 04/08/11 13:57, Anantharaman Sekaripuram, Gopalakrishnan wrote:
Hi DBI-users,

I am facing this problem perl DBD::ODBC rollback ineffective with AutoCommit enabled 
  and while looking at the problem , I found that a very basic thing is failing with 
Perl::DBI using DBD::ODBC on sql server. But i am not sure if this wont happen with 
any other driver.
The problem is that when I create a #temp table using $dbh->do and when i try to 
access the same #temp table using another $dbh->do, i am getting the below error. 
Also this does not happen all the time, but only intermittently.
Invalid object name '#temp'
$dbh->do("SELECT  ... INTO #temp FROM ...");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM #temp");

The second do fails with 'Invalid object name '#temp''

Just for others on this list, this question was first asked on stackoverflow at:


I have provided and answer on stackoverflow and am awaiting a trace file.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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