----- Forwarded message from "Mackin, Thomas E." <thomas.mac...@lfg.com> -----

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 14:33:11 -0400
From: "Mackin, Thomas E." <thomas.mac...@lfg.com>
To: tim.bu...@pobox.com
Subject: Sybase 15.0 >


   We migrated our Sybase database (AIX) to 15.0.2 about 2 years ago.  We also 
use Open Client 15.0 and
   everything works, mostly.  We have been butting up against the 30 character 
limit for object names when
   running scripts through Perl (5.6) ever since.  Most of the time we simply 
rename things to be 30
   characters or less.  This is now becoming somewhat of a pain.  Is it 
possible to recompile/tweak/modify
   something in the Perl DBI code to get around this?  Keep in mind that I am 
NOT a Perl developer (he
   left!) but am tasked with trying to get this fixed.  We found some C code 
that uses Sybase.h, and we
   assume that somewhere in all that is the datatype restriction that limits 
the object names to 30
   characters. Can a newer header file be used to recompile the dll or am I 
barking up the wrong tree?

   Any help or direction you could give us would be great.  Surely someone has 
Sybase 15.0 and Perl 5.6
   working with long object names...

   Tom Mackin
   Lincoln Financial Group

   Investments, IA, and Risk Management IT

   Application Systems Analysis & Programming Lead
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   Visible links
   1. mailto:thomas.mac...@lfg.com

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