On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Warren James - jawarr wrote:

> --Beyond some training, I'm very much a newbie to Perl (and this list).  So, 
> please indulge me with my first attempt at a posted question to you; please 
> see below (*with the full code Perl script toward the bottom of my email)...
> -I've been dealing with an issue in a Perl script that I'm writing, similar 
> to what was posted recently under 'Subject: Script to test connecting to 
> Oracle DBs' (and 'Subject: Re: Script to test connecting to Oracle DBs' by 
> Rob Dixon).
> Specifically, from my code:
> $ENV{TWO_TASK} = "lady";
>    $dbh = DBI->connect("$connString", "$ladyUser", "$ladyPass",
>                      { AutoCommit=>0, RaiseError=>0, PrintError=>0, 
> ora_check_sql=>0 }) or die "Could not connect to database: " . DBI->errstr ;

You may need to change your connection string, depending on how your oracle 
client is set up. mine is:


As I dimly recall we had to make that change at some point in the past to get 
dbi working, if you're not using the standard port, you need to put that in 
there too.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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