Patrick Galbraith has released a new version of DBD::mysql with many
small fixes inside.

Change log:
2013-09-17 Michiel Beijen, Patrick Galbraith, DBI/DBD community
* Fix memory leak if mysql_server_prepare is enabled - RT76462 - Masahiro Chiba
* Undefined $DBI::errstr on execute fail on Windows: Michiel Beijen
* Better diagnostics for 80procs.t Fixes RT#71199: Alexandr Ciornii
* Fix #64013: INSTALL.pod is shown with 'man install': Juergen Weigert
* Added 'testport' to keys in Makefile.PL Fixes RT#83492: Michiel Beijen
* Fixed test 70takeimp warning. Michiel Beijen
* Made test t/87async.t not stop on Win32. Michiel Beijen
* Update github location. Update support information. Michiel Beijen
* POD Fixes  Patch from RT77043 by Gunnar Wolf, Debian Perl Group
* Makefile.PL issue on Windows, Patch by Zeeshan, from RT#82768.

Thanks everybody for contributing!

The code has now moved to the perl5-dbi organization on Github, so
update your forks.

The RT queue grew a bit unwieldy with lots of older tickets. We
managed to close a great deal of them but there are still 80 tickets
left. I hope to be able to get this number even further down in the
upcoming period. See

If you have a bug still open (or discover a new one!) that you would
like to see fixed please feel free to ping your RT ticket or to create
a new one if needed. And; pull requests on Github are welcome!


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