Terrific. Thanks you guys! I'll probably do the additional base class. I had no idea you could autogenerate into modified classes too which I'll have to try for another project. Best of both worlds.


On Jul 4, 2007, at 7:42 AM, Brandon Black wrote:

On 7/3/07, apv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I never got around to trying Schema::Loader till now. It's terrific.
I swapped out 10 table classes or whatever with one and it works
exactly as it should.

The thing I want to still be able to do is apply a method to all the
table classes, specifically a created field stamp of NOW(). I'm on an
older mysql for this project so I can't use triggers. There are dates
before the epoch so I'm using DATETIME. This is what I want to do--

sub new {
     my ( $class, $attrs ) = @_;
     $attrs->{created} = \"NOW()" unless $attrs->{created};

Check the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base docs, they have info on
adding additional custom base classes.  If you need to make one-off
mods to individual files, you can just edit the generated files
directly, below the md5sum line, and it will be preserved when you
regenerate the top half again (assuming 0.04001).

-- Brandon

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