
I've uploaded DBIx-Class-Inflator-Serializers to CPAN (http://search.cpan.org/~jlmartin/DBIx-Class-Inflator-Serializers-0.01/). I had to write a JSON inflator/deflator for a project, and thought that it would be nice to have the inflators pre-packaged. The intention is to provide a suite of well proven and reusable inflators and deflators to complement DBIx::Class.

What's been improved over the inflators in the FAQ:

- If the column definition has a size attribute, and the serialized data structure is longer than the size: an exception is thrown. - Deserialization errors throw an exception when there is an error for all modules (this can happen if you don't specify size and your DB truncates the value when it gets stored. Also not all deserialzation modules throw exceptions on error).
 - use JSON::Any (it's already required by DBIC 0.08103)

Hope you like it. I'd love to get feedback from the DBIx community to get this package to a 1.00 state.

Jose Luis Martinez

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