On 15/10/2009, at 21:08, Dermot wrote:

2009/10/15 Wallace Reis <wall...@reis.org.br>:
On 15/10/2009, at 08:34, Dermot wrote:

2009/10/15 Wallace Reis <wall...@reis.org.br>:

On 14/10/2009, at 13:10, Dermot wrote:

my $record = {
       'validation_pass' => 1,
       'files' => [],
       'active' => 1,
       'name' => 'Gustav MR',
       'clipdata' => [
                         'contrib_id' => 2,
       'contrib_id' => 2,

Use a HashRef for clipdata rel instead of a ArrayRef.

Here, you should note that currently find (and update) part of *_or_create methods will fail for nested relations, so you need to call find(update)_or_create for relationships separately.

I would really, really love to do a doc patch if I knew how. Mostly
because that's all I feel I have the ability to do. However I have no
experience of how to create patches. I guess it's a similar to `svn
diff > ...`. Is there something on the Advent Calendar's or similar
that might show me?

Not sure, but a "svn diff" output or a "svk ci -P" patch is fine.

wallace reis/wreis Catalyst and DBIx::Class consultancy with a clue
   Software Engineer          and a commit bit: http://shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
Shadowcat Systems Limited
http://www.shadowcat.co.uk     http://www.linkedin.com/in/wallacereis

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IRC: irc.perl.org#dbix-class
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Searchable Archive: http://www.grokbase.com/group/dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk

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