On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:01:42AM +0800, lim weityug wrote:
> Hi,
> Our company is maintaining 2 versions of dbix class, which is  version
> 0.08115 and 0.08195. We have an issue on defining the condition in
> might_have relationship. Before we have the new server (which is running
> dbix version 0.08195), our result file is like the following:
> __PACKAGE__->might_have(
>      'sample',
>      'Schema::Result::Sample',
>      {
>          'foreign.pid' => 'self.pid and sample.wstart = 0',
>      },
> );
> This works well for version 0.08115

It does not work "well" - it works by accident. You are asking DBIC to 
look for a column named (literally) q{self.pid and sample.wstart = 0}. 
It only works because you are not asking DBIC to quote your identifiers 
(a bad practice in general).

> but it fail for version 0.08195

In newer versions relationships metadata is interrogated more closely, 
and everything understandably fails.

> We can’t just upgrade our dbix class to latest version as this require
> intensive regression test on our application which is very huge effort and
> high risk. We’re trying to see if there is any way for having the codes to
> be run in both dbix versions.

This is a *really* poor way to handle a critical dependency of a 
critical project. While DBIC has an unparallelled track record for 
backwards compatibility, there are limits to any effort. As a result you 
will find yourself hitting more and more situations just like this one, 
and will inevitably end up with a paralyzed codebase. It is just a 
matter of time under such a policy.

QED - there isn't really a practical way to support this invalid syntax 
on newer DBIC versions. The "best" solution I can offer is for you to 
define the relationship depending which DBIC version your server has 

Since DBIC version 0.08190 the proper way to define such relationships 
is by using a coderef which returns the SQL::Abstract snippet you are 


Cheers and good luck - you will need it ;)

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