>> That's an interesting point of view. I tend to make my database changes 
>> directly with SQL and when I am ready regenerate the schema files from there.
> This makes for poor testability. Otherwise, when you have a schema
> change, you either:
> 1. Force everyone sharing the same developer instance to immediately
> have to deal with your schema changes
> 2. Force everyone who isn't sharing the same developer instance to
> have to deal with it when they do a "git pull"
> Much better to have DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned to just do the
> right thing for you.

I guess I get away with this as I am usually the only developer on the 
application! But this is something I will look into as I want to learn how to 
do it this way.

Actually if I go down this path, how would you deploy database functions (eg 
pl/pgsql) ?

>> One other question, when you used your $schema object, where do you put your 
>> connection information, to avoid having it in every single test script?
> I generally have a test helper that creates a $schema object for me.
> This helper would look in some configuration file that's specific for
> tests and you can then control it from there. Configuration files are
> amazing things.

Ah, Test::DBIx::Class helps with this

Thanks again

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