hey again,
that does not change a thing :(

any ideas peter what could be wrong in my classes/setup ?

cheers, berni

> On 19 Sep 2016, at 15:49, Dmitry L. <dim0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe I'm wrong, but your base classes (MyBaseApp::*) are already
> "moosified", so you don't have to use MooseX::NonMoose in subclasses
> which extend your MyBaseApp::*
> On 19 September 2016 at 15:14, Bernhard Bauch <ba...@zsi.at> wrote:
>> dear peter,
>> here's my example code..(see attachment)
>> it produces the following errors on my setup:
>> ----------
>> Not inlining a constructor for MyApp::Schema::ResultSet since its parent 
>> MyBaseApp::Schema::ResultSet doesn't contain a constructor named 'new'. If 
>> you are certain you don't need to inline your constructor, specify 
>> inline_constructor => 0 in your call to 
>> MyApp::Schema::ResultSet->meta->make_immutable
>> Not inlining a constructor for MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Foo since its 
>> parent MyApp::Schema::ResultSet doesn't contain a constructor named 'new'. 
>> If you are certain you don't need to inline your constructor, specify 
>> inline_constructor => 0 in your call to 
>> MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Foo->meta->make_immutable
>> DBIx::Class::Schema::source(): Can't find source for Foo at dbix-debug.pl 
>> line 107
>> ----------
>> have a nice day,
>> bernhard
>>> On 14 Sep 2016, at 15:29, Peter Rabbitson <rabbit+d...@rabbit.us> wrote:
>>> On 09/14/2016 02:35 PM, Bernhard Bauch wrote:
>>>> dear all,
>>>> i did upgrade all modules (installed from scratch all catalyst, 
>>>> dbix:class, etc. modules -- so also moose)
>>> Right... that'll be more difficult to pinpoint. A simple set of classes 
>>> resembling your setup seems to work just fine for me with latest Moose and 
>>> stuff (see below).
>>> The best advice I can give at this point is to keep "trimming down" your 
>>> application ensuring the errors are present, and showing us a minimal 
>>> example that does not work for you. The way you have things presently - 
>>> there are way too many moving parts to attempt a remote diagnostic :/
>>> perl -we '
>>> {
>>>   package MyBaseApp::Schema::ResultSet::Foo;
>>>   use Moose;
>>>   use namespace::autoclean;
>>>   use MooseX::NonMoose;
>>>   extends "DBIx::Class::ResultSet";
>>>   sub BUILDARGS { $_[2] }
>>>   __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
>>> }
>>> {
>>>   package MyBaseApp::Schema::Result::Foo;
>>>   use base "DBIx::Class::Core";
>>>   __PACKAGE__->table("foo");
>>>   __PACKAGE__->add_columns("bar");
>>>   __PACKAGE__->resultset_class("MyBaseApp::Schema::ResultSet::Foo");
>>> }
>>> {
>>>   package MyBaseApp::Schema;
>>>   use base "DBIx::Class::Schema";
>>>   __PACKAGE__->register_class( Foo => "MyBaseApp::Schema::Result::Foo");
>>> }
>>> my $q = 
>>> MyBaseApp::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite::memory:")->resultset("Foo")->as_query;
>>> warn $$q->[0];
>>> '
>>> producing
>>> (SELECT me.bar FROM foo me) at -e line 37.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> List: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class
>>> IRC: irc.perl.org#dbix-class
>>> SVN: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/DBIx-Class/
>>> Searchable Archive: 
>>> http://www.grokbase.com/group/dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk
>> —
>> Bernhard Bauch
>> Webdevelopment
>> ZSI-Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH
>> Centre for Social Innovation
>> Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Wien, Austria
>> Mail: ba...@zsi.at
>> Skype: berni-zsi
>> _______________________________________________
>> List: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class
>> IRC: irc.perl.org#dbix-class
>> SVN: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/DBIx-Class/
>> Searchable Archive: 
>> http://www.grokbase.com/group/dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk
> --
> //wbr, Dmitry L.
> _______________________________________________
> List: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class
> IRC: irc.perl.org#dbix-class
> SVN: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/DBIx-Class/
> Searchable Archive: http://www.grokbase.com/group/dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk
> !DSPAM:57dfecf8170071878036111!

Bernhard Bauch

ZSI-Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH
Centre for Social Innovation

Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Wien, Austria
Mail: ba...@zsi.at
Skype: berni-zsi

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