If I was developing the schema, in addition to the relation you show, in 
Result::Bar I'd have:

  __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('foo', 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Foo', { ... });

Then search for all the bars with a particular foo (you use the name of the 
relation, not the table) property:

  foreach my $r_bar ($schema->resultset('Bar')->search({ 'foo.x' => 'Baz' })) {

> On 18 Apr 2017, at 16:59, Vladimir Melnik <v.mel...@uplink.ua> wrote:
> Hello,
> And one more question, if anyone doesn't mind. :-)
> Is there an elegant way to apply a Result's method to the whole ResultSet?
> In other words, here's what I have to do:
>       # MyApp::Schema::Result::Foo->has_many('bars', 
> 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Bar', { ... });
>       my $rs_foo = $schema->resultset('Foo')->search({ ... });
>       foreach my $r_foo ($rs_foo->all) {
>           foreach my $r_bar ($r_foo->bars->all) {
>               $r_bar->some_method;
>           }
>       }
> ...or something like like that:
>       # MyApp::Schema::Result::Foo->has_many('bars', 
> 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Bar', { ... });
>       my $rs_foo = $schema->resultset('Foo')->search({ ... });
>       foreach my $r_bar (map { $_->bars->all } $rs_foo->all) {
>           $r_bar->some_method;
>       }
> ...and here's what I would like to do:
>       # MyApp::Schema::Result::Foo->has_many('bars', 
> 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Bar', { ... });
>       my $rs_foo = $schema->resultset('Foo')->search({ ... });
>       foreach my $r_bar ($rs_foo->bars->all) {
>           $r_bar->some_method;
>       }
> Do I have to add the "bars" method to the MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Foo class 
> manually?
> Thanks in advance!
> -- 
> V.Melnik

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