Adding my personal 2c for the sake of concerned end-users. Please note that I do not have knowledge of what the current management is doing or planning to do.

On 07/15/2017 06:03 PM, Andrew Gregory wrote:
What is the current status of DBIx::Class?  It looks like development
has all but stopped since last October.[1]  Is somebody actively
maintaining DBIx::Class somewhere else?  I sent an email to this list
two months ago regarding a bug that causes incorrect data to be
inserted with no response from this list.[2]  Is there a better way
for me to work toward getting the bug fixed?


First of all - there is at least one person ( myself ) doing basic maintenance, albeit without yet publishing the changes in a widely-consumable form. As indicated back in [3] my plan was to resume public work once notable development takes place within the "official fork". Due to this not happening in a timely manner, I minimized my work to small bugfixes and clarifications to problems raised on this list and/or the #dbix-class channel. All interactions ( including the one with the OP back in May ) were done in private, as to give an opportunity to the newly formed team to forge their own path forward.

To this date there haven't been any show-stopper issues that were brought to my attention, so the wider userbase is not missing much more than what is already currently mothballed in the official repository.

Nevertheless, recently I raised a set of questions to the PAUSE administrators [4], which are instrumental for me to continue work under the preexisting model. The policy addressing these is afaik in the final stages of approval. From my side the plan is to have some sort of DBIx::Class::Boring distribution appear on CPAN by the end of Q3 2017, pending resolution of the policy issues.

Apologies for not having more information to share at present.



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