Personally I think its best to just shelve any discussion related to forks until after Neil Bowers and Andreas Koenig have done their PAUSE namespace revisions, and thus more things are known rather than speculative.

In that spirit, I retract my previous question.

-- Darren Duncan

On 2017-09-04 11:13 AM, Darren Duncan wrote:
On 2017-09-04 2:28 AM, Sue Spence wrote:
It's clear the pre-existing CPAN/PAUSE model isn't working well in this
situation. I'm skeptical that it ever will.

All along, I've wondered if this project ought to be forked on github and then
stay there until forever if necessary. Yes, it causes issues for people who are
used to  depending on the CPAN for their updates. This state of affairs can
probably be fairly quickly worked around by interested parties. The workarounds
would continue until something useful were to happen with the "management".

Sue, given your subject line (proposed...fork), are you just proposing that
Github/etc be the primary release mechanism for DBIx::Class rather than CPAN, or
are you proposing a third fork (the existing 2 being the one Peter controls and
the one Matt's governance model controls)? -- Darren Duncan

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