On 01/28/2018 09:51 PM, Darin McBride wrote:

tl;dr version: we got past it, but I'm not sure if there is a DBIC metadata
problem or not, and the whole project is moot now.

Right. Re-reading your earlier debug info, I am now almost certain that this is where things went off the rails:


This will probably take another 2~3 months to appear in its full glory on CPAN, but what you were observing fits neatly into that description.

The related ticket is https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=107462, subscribe to it to get flagged when it is finally marked resolved :/

Thanks, though. And glad to see you're back :)

Eh... it's all relative ;)

Hope Lacuna 2.0 is just as cool as the other one ;)

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