A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                bajizs
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   1064
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            N/A
Severity:                   block
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             04-Jan-15 14:41 CET
Last Modified:              04-Jan-15 14:53 CET
Summary:                    Login ti Imap Deamon OK but can't get any message

This error is new in version 3.2.0 and 3.2.2, in version 3.1.x don't exist.
We have upgraded our server from 3.1.17 to 3.2.0 after some hour the Imap
deamon stopped to work correctly. When try to get message list form IMAP
deamon its disconnecxt the client. After rotating back to the version
3.1.17 all things work ok again. Yesterday we have changed version to 3.2.2
and now we have some problem, IMAP deamon can't get message list. In erro
log we see the message from dbmail-util: "Table 'dbmail.dbmail_messageblks'
doesn't exist" but the table exist and its status is OK. After restarting
the IMAP deamon all working as ecepted.

I think that the dbmail locks out self. The


 (0003686) bajizs (reporter) - 04-Jan-15 14:53
Some other information after full debug... Now I can't get the message from
server (fetch not succesfull). Upgrade to new version of database is

Turned on full logging with debug options:

Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[server]
_sock_cb(+630): connection accepted
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Notice:[clientbase]
client_init(+181): incoming connection on [] from
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_new(+158): imap session [0xb1b360] created
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [84/84:* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 STARTTLS
ID LOGINDISABLED LITERAL+] dbmail 3.2.2 ready.
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [60]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [12]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 12/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [12:1 STARTTLS
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [1 STARTTLS
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [1], command: [STARTTLS], [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [starttls]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [20/20:1 OK Begin TLS now
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_starttls(+227): [0xb39b20] ssl_state [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [3]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [1] command_status [0] [STARTTLS]
returned with status [3]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_reset(+300): [0xb1b360] state [1] timeout [60]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [60]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 0: 0/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 0: 0/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [20]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 20/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 22/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [22:2 LOGIN test ********
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [2 LOGIN test ********
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+1901): [0xb1b360] tokenize [13/0] [ test ********]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[0] [test]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[1] [********]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [2], command: [LOGIN], [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [login]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+177): [0xb244d0] [0xb1b360]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_dispatch(+220): data[0xb244d0], user_data[(nil)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_handle_auth(+1317): [0xb1b360] trying to validate user
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+185): threads unused 0/2 limits 6/6 queued jobs 0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_query(+414): [0xad7090] [SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_usermap LIMIT 1 OFFSET
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
log_query_time(+358): last query took [0.000] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Info:[db]
log_query_time(+364): slow query [SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_usermap LIMIT 1
OFFSET 0] took [0.000] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[db]
db_use_usermap(+1061): enabling usermap lookups
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[db]
db_usermap_resolve(+3455): checking userid [test] in usermap
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[db]
db_usermap_resolve(+3461): client on inet socket [inet:]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT login, sock_allow, sock_deny,
userid FROM dbmail_usermap WHERE login in (?,'ANY') ORDER BY sock_allow,
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc0026c0] 1:[test]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[db]
db_usermap_resolve(+3509): login [test] not found in usermap
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT user_idnr FROM dbmail_users WHERE
lower(userid) = lower(?)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc002680] 1:[test]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT active FROM dbmail_users WHERE
user_idnr = ?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7dc002680] 1:[919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_query(+414): [0xad7090] [SELECT passwd, encryption_type FROM
dbmail_users WHERE user_idnr = 919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
log_query_time(+358): last query took [0.000] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Info:[db]
log_query_time(+364): slow query [SELECT passwd, encryption_type FROM
dbmail_users WHERE user_idnr = 919] took [0.000] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[db]
db_user_validate(+3692): validating using plaintext passwords
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_update(+445): [0xad7090] [UPDATE dbmail_users SET last_login =
'2015-01-04 14:35:43' WHERE user_idnr = 919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_begin_transaction(+599): BEGIN
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_commit_transaction(+606): COMMIT
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
log_query_time(+358): last query took [0.161] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Info:[db]
log_query_time(+364): slow query [UPDATE dbmail_users SET last_login =
'2015-01-04 14:35:43' WHERE user_idnr = 919] took [0.161] seconds
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [INSERT INTO dbmail_authlog (userid,
service, login_time, logout_time, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port,
status) VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc003280] 1:[test]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc003280] 2:[imap]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc003280] 3:[]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_int(+491): [0x7ff7dc003280] 4:[59711]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc003280] 5:[]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_int(+491): [0x7ff7dc003280] 6:[143]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7dc003280] 7:[active]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Notice:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_handle_auth(+1348): [0xb1b360] login accepted: id [919]
user [test] from []
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_set_state(+1702): [0xb1b360] set timeout to [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e140] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_set_state(+1713): [0xb1b360] state [1]->[2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
_ic_cb_leave(+703): handling imap session [0xb1b360] client_state []
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [2] command_status [1] [LOGIN]
returned with status [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [187/187:2 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 ACL
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_reset(+300): [0xb1b360] state [2] timeout [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [16]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 18/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [18:3 ENABLE QRESYNC
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [3 ENABLE QRESYNC
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+1901): [0xb1b360] tokenize [8/0] [ QRESYNC]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[0] [QRESYNC]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [3], command: [ENABLE], [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [enable]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+177): [0xb244d0] [0xb1b360]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+185): threads unused 0/2 limits 6/6 queued jobs 0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0f0] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_dispatch(+220): data[0xb244d0], user_data[(nil)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
_ic_cb_leave(+703): handling imap session [0xb1b360] client_state []
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [2] command_status [1] [ENABLE]
returned with status [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [42/42:* ENABLED QRESYNC
3 OK ENABLE completed
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_reset(+300): [0xb1b360] state [2] timeout [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [58]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 58/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 60/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [60:4 EXAMINE Sent (QRESYNC (954 670
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [4 EXAMINE Sent (QRESYNC (954
670 2946611,2946621,2946631))
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+1901): [0xb1b360] tokenize [49/0] [ Sent (QRESYNC
(954 670 2946611,2946621,2946631))]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[0] [Sent]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[1] [(]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[2] [QRESYNC]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[3] [(]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[4] [954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[5] [670]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[6] [2946611,2946621,2946631]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[7] [)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[8] [)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [4], command: [EXAMINE], [9]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [examine]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+177): [0xb244d0] [0xb1b360]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+185): threads unused 0/2 limits 6/6 queued jobs 0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_dispatch(+220): data[0xb244d0], user_data[(nil)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
_ic_select_parse_args(+490): uidvalidity [954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
_ic_select_parse_args(+497): mod-sequence [670]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[db]
db_findmailbox(+2133): looking for mailbox with FQN [Sent].
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[misc]
mailbox_remove_namespace(+197): [Sent]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM
dbmail_mailboxes WHERE owner_idnr = ? AND name LIKE ?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002b20] 1:[919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7d4002b20] 2:[Sent]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_begin_transaction(+599): BEGIN
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT name,seq FROM dbmail_mailboxes
WHERE mailbox_idnr=?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4001ca0] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
db_getmailbox_seq(+878): id: [954] name: [Sent] seq [670]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT permission FROM dbmail_mailboxes
WHERE mailbox_idnr = ?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002620] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN seen_flag = 0 THEN
1 ELSE 0 END) AS unseen, SUM( CASE WHEN seen_flag = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS
seen, SUM( CASE WHEN recent_flag = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recent FROM
dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr=? AND status IN (0,1)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4007240] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
db_getmailbox_count(+820): exists [3] unseen [0] recent [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_clear(+349): [0xad7090] connection cleared
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT MAX(message_idnr)+1 FROM
dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr=?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002b60] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT DISTINCT(keyword) FROM
dbmail_keywords k LEFT JOIN dbmail_messages m ON
k.message_idnr=m.message_idnr LEFT JOIN dbmail_mailboxes b ON
m.mailbox_idnr=b.mailbox_idnr WHERE b.mailbox_idnr=? AND m.status IN
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4005590] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT CASE WHEN user_id IS NULL THEN 0
ELSE 1 END, owner_idnr, name, no_select, no_inferiors FROM dbmail_mailboxes
b LEFT OUTER JOIN dbmail_subscription s ON b.mailbox_idnr = s.mailbox_id
WHERE b.mailbox_idnr = ?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d40020b0] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_clear(+349): [0xad7090] connection cleared
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT COUNT(*) AS nr_children FROM
dbmail_mailboxes WHERE owner_idnr = ? AND name LIKE ? ]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002800] 1:[919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0x7ff7d4002800] 2:[Sent/%]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
state_load_metadata(+919): [954] exists [3] recent [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT seen_flag, answered_flag,
deleted_flag, flagged_flag, draft_flag, recent_flag,
DATE_FORMAT(internal_date, GET_FORMAT(DATETIME,'ISO')), rfcsize, seq,
message_idnr, status FROM dbmail_messages m LEFT JOIN dbmail_physmessage p
ON p.id = m.physmessage_id WHERE m.mailbox_idnr = ? AND m.status IN (0,1,2)
ORDER BY message_idnr ASC]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002070] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_clear(+349): [0xad7090] connection cleared
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT k.message_idnr, keyword FROM
dbmail_keywords k LEFT JOIN dbmail_messages m ON
k.message_idnr=m.message_idnr LEFT JOIN dbmail_mailboxes b ON
m.mailbox_idnr=b.mailbox_idnr WHERE b.mailbox_idnr = ? AND m.status IN
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002530] 1:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
state_load_messages(+177): no keywords
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_commit_transaction(+606): COMMIT
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
MailboxState_hasPermission(+973): checking ACL [read_flag] for user [919]
on mailbox [954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [SELECT * FROM dbmail_acl WHERE user_id =
? AND mailbox_id = ?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002560] 1:[919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0x7ff7d4002560] 2:[954]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[MailboxState]
MailboxState_hasPermission(+1007): mailbox [954] is owned by user [919]and
no ACL in place. Giving all rights
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
mailbox_check_acl(+369): access granted
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_set_state(+1713): [0xb1b360] state [2]->[3]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
_ic_select_enter(+725): process QRESYNC arguments
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
MailboxState_getExpunged(+642): vanished [0] messages
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
MailboxState_getExpunged(+647): vanished (earlier) 
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
_ic_select_enter(+734): vanished [0] messages
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail_mailbox_get_set(+1583): [2946611,2946621,2946631] uid [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[misc]
g_tree_merge(+1114): (0x7ff7dc001330) (0x7ff7dc001300): a[0] [OR] b[1] ->
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[misc]
g_tree_merge(+1114): (0x7ff7dc001330) (0x7ff7dc001300): a[1] [OR] b[1] ->
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[misc]
g_tree_merge(+1114): (0x7ff7dc001330) (0x7ff7dc001300): a[2] [OR] b[1] ->
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e050] Debug:[imap]
_ic_select_enter(+749): messages changed since [670] [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
_ic_cb_leave(+703): handling imap session [0xb1b360] client_state []
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [3] command_status [1] [EXAMINE]
returned with status [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [307/307:* 3 EXISTS
* FLAGS (\Seen \Answered \Deleted \Flagged \Draft)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Seen \Answered \Deleted \Flagged \Draft \*)] Flags
* OK [UIDNEXT 2946632] Predicted next UID
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 954] UID value
* OK [HIGHESTMODSEQ 670] Highest
4 OK [READ-ONLY] EXAMINE completed
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_reset(+300): [0xb1b360] state [3] timeout [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [35]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 35/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 37/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [37:5 UID FETCH 2946621 (BODYSTRUCTURE)
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [5 UID FETCH 2946621
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+1901): [0xb1b360] tokenize [30/0] [ FETCH 2946621
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[0] [FETCH]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[1] [2946621]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[2] [(]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2057): arg[3] [BODYSTRUCTURE]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2004): arg[4] [)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [5], command: [UID], [5] args
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [uid]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+177): [0xb244d0] [0xb1b360]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0a0] Debug:[server]
dm_thread_dispatch(+220): data[0xb244d0], user_data[(nil)]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0a0] Debug:[imap]
_ic_fetch_enter(+2070): id-set: [2946621]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0a0] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_fetch_parse_args(+528): [0xb1b360] parse args[3] =
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0a0] Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail_mailbox_get_set(+1583): [2946621] uid [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xa9e0a0] Debug:[misc]
g_tree_merge(+1114): (0x7ff7dc0016a0) (0x7ff7dc001700): a[0] [OR] b[1] ->
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[server]
dm_thread_data_push(+185): threads unused 0/2 limits 6/6 queued jobs 0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
_ic_cb_leave(+703): handling imap session [0xb1b360] client_state []
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [3] command_status [1] [FETCH]
returned with status [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [26/26:5 OK UID FETCH completed
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_reset(+300): [0xb1b360] state [3] timeout [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_uncork(+210): [0xb39b20] [17] [17], [4000]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [8]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 8/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_read_cb(+401): [0xb39b20] [-1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_cb_read(+231): state [1] enough 1: 10/0
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[clientbase]
ci_readln(+487): [0xb39b20] C < [10:6 LOGOUT
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+645): [0xb1b360] COMMAND: [6 LOGOUT
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer_main(+2087): [0xb1b360] tag: [6], command: [LOGOUT], [0]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap4_tokenizer(+684): parser_state: [1]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Info:[imap]
imap4(+787): dispatch [logout]...
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_set_state(+1713): [0xb1b360] state [3]->[4]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Notice:[imap]
_ic_logout(+225): [0xb1b360] userid:[919]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_input(+572): imap4 returned [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_handle_exit(+457): [0xb1b360] state [4] command_status [0] [LOGOUT]
returned with status [2]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [7/7:* BYE
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_write(+347): [0xb39b20] S > [23/23:6 OK LOGOUT completed
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
imap_session_bailout(+172): [0xb1b360] state [4] ci[0xb39b20]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_set_state(+1713): [0xb1b360] state [4]->[7]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_close(+557): closing clientbase [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[clientbase]
ci_cork(+202): [0xb39b20] [17] [17]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_get(+314): [0xad7090] connection from pool
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_stmt_prepare(+477): [0xad7090] [UPDATE dbmail_authlog SET
logout_time=NOW(), status=?, bytes_rx=?, bytes_tx=? WHERE id=?]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_str(+485): [0xb25ad0] 1:[closed]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0xb25ad0] 2:[159]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0xb25ad0] 3:[696]
Jan 04 14:35:43 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_stmt_set_u64(+497): [0xb25ad0] 4:[10490181]
Jan 04 14:35:44 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Database:[db]
db_con_close(+342): [0xad7090] connection to pool
Jan 04 14:35:44 Server dbmail-imapd[8512]: [0xaa4c10] Debug:[imap]
dbmail_imap_session_delete(+223): [0xb1b360] 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
04-Jan-15 14:41  bajizs         New Issue                                    
04-Jan-15 14:53  bajizs         Note Added: 0003686                          

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