A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                Gorbash
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   1076
Category:                   POP3 daemon
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   block
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             12-Nov-15 15:48 CET
Last Modified:              28-Dec-15 23:00 CET
Summary:                    DBMail services dbmail-pop3d OR dbmail-lmtpd remain
inactive after start and enable, erratic start on one or the other
As part of testing an updated version of DBMail (a year or so newer than
the one we have in production), we set up a test RHEL server and pulled
version 3.1.16 from an existing channel. Unfortunately, after making sure
that the channel installed all the required libraries and files, and
updating the configuration URI to our test database, we've hit a snag.

The two DBMail services we use are dbmail-lmtpd and dbmail-pop3d. Every
time we try to start both services, one of the following things will
1. Both services stick at loaded/enabled but inactive, no PID files show
up, and logging in dbmail.err for each service stops at "effective group
shall be [nobody]"
2. One service will become active, but the other will stick at
loaded/enabled but inactive; the active service will have a PID file, but
not the inactive one, and logging in dbmail.err for the inactive service
stops at "effective group shall be [nobody]" while the other passes that
step and completes normally. When this happens, its usually (but not
always) the first service tried that becomes active.

Normally, the default config would produce "effective group shall be
[nogroup]", but RHEL 7 uses nobody/nobody instead of nobody/nogroup.
Nevertheless, I tried changing it back to nobody/nogroup in dbmail.conf,
and got a result matching http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=2, above.
We've also tried using a specific
account, and setting the referenced files to match that account, but in
that case, neither process will become active and no PID file is

The only other error message I've seen is a "can't drop permissions"
message from the active service in /var/log/dbmail, before the messages
from the inactive service start.

We haven't had this problem on our previous test or production servers, so
I think it might have something to do with RHEL 7. I'm hoping that's not
the case, however, as RHEL 7 dramatically improved the installation of
other services we've added onto this server. Any ideas on what this might
be stemming from?

 (0003707) thelounge (reporter) - 12-Nov-15 15:57
besides that 3.1.16 is missing a important bugfix from 3.1.17 that sounds
more like wrong systemd-units
effective group shall be [nogroup]", but RHEL 7 uses nobody/nobody instead
of nobody/nogroup.

i wonder really why because normally you have a user "dbmail" and a group
"dbmail" instead abuse "Nobody"
effective_user        = dbmail
effective_group       = dbmail

the units below are working here from Fedora 15 to Fedora 23

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbmail-pop3d.service
Description=DBMail POP3 Server
After=network.service systemd-networkd.service network-online.target

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dbmail-pop3d -D




[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbmail-lmtpd.service
Description=DBMail LMTP Server
After=network.service systemd-networkd.service network-online.target

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd -D


 (0003708) Gorbash (reporter) - 12-Nov-15 16:29
--i wonder really why because normally you have a user "dbmail" and a group
"dbmail" instead abuse "Nobody"

Default on the configs is nobody/nogroup, and that's what our prod servers
(which are *not* RHEL 7) use. We also gave an alternate user (user exim /
group exim) a shot earlier, but I can give user / group dbmail a shot if
you think it'll work.

Meantime, since this install of DBmail was provided by a RedHat channel,
we've been using the systemd files that came with the RPM (listed below).
I'm a little hesitant about messing with them too much since they did come
from the channel, so they should have worked as-is.

# cat dbmail-pop3d.service 
Description=DBMail pop3 Server
After=syslog.target network.target mysqld.service postgresql.service



# cat dbmail-lmtpd.service 
Description=DBMail LMTP Server
After=syslog.target network.target mysqld.service postgresql.service



 (0003709) thelounge (reporter) - 12-Nov-15 16:45
i doubt that dbmail 3.1.16 is from the default channel
since it are systemd-units it RHEL7
there is no dbmail at all except EPEL repo

epel repo has 3.2.3 and there was never 3.1.16

the epel-package clearly creates a dbmail user

getent group %{name} >/dev/null || groupadd -r %{name}
getent passwd %{name} >/dev/null || \
  useradd -r -M -g %{name} -d / -s /sbin/nologin \
  -c "DBMail Daemon" %{name}
exit 0

that part of the shipped "dbmail.conf" from the package is simply a bug
when due instal there is a user dbmail created

effective_user        = nobody
effective_group       = nogroup

that sed-snippet from the rpm-spec just don't work as intended because it's
uppercase and in the meantime the values in the sample config from the
tarball are lowercase, that said about the quality of the package, there is
a reason why i build my own rpm for the last 6 years

# make a couple of changes to the default dbmail.conf file:
# 1. default driver/authdriver sqlite/sql
# 2. effective uid/gid to dbmail/dbmail
sed -i 's/\(^driver\W*=\)\(\W*$\)/\1 sqlite/' dbmail.conf
sed -i -e 's,\(^db\W*=\)\(.*$\),\1 %{_localstatedir}/lib/dbmail/dbmail.db,'
       -e 's/\(^authdriver\W*=\)\(\W*$\)/\1 sql/'                          
       -e 's/\(^EFFECTIVE_USER\W*=\)\(.*$\)/\1 dbmail/'                    
       -e 's/\(^EFFECTIVE_GROUP\W*=\)\(.*$\)/\1 dbmail/' dbmail.conf 

 (0003710) Gorbash (reporter) - 13-Nov-15 16:28
You're correct, we're on 3.2.3. I didn't see it as an option on dropdown,
so I picked the closest version in the dropdown (which would have been
3.1.17; apparently, I missed and hit 3.1.16 instead).

We're running off of a separate MySQL server as a database instead of
SQLite. Do I still need to change the default driver in that case?

I'm not really seeing any difference after changing the effective user and
group in dbmail.config to dbmail/dbmail. Do the associated files also have
to be assigned to dbmail/dbmail? 

 (0003711) Gorbash (reporter) - 27-Nov-15 22:14
We've switched to dbmail/dbmail, but neither dbmail-pop3d nor dbmail-lmtpd
are starting after the change.

Are you sure we should be changing the default driver? We're using a MySQL

 (0003712) Gorbash (reporter) - 03-Dec-15 22:34
Issue persists, even with the listed changes to our dbmail.conf file, and
all files owned by dbmail / dbmail. 

 (0003713) Gorbash (reporter) - 08-Dec-15 16:30
New dbmail.err logs are as follows:

Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000] Info:[debug]
configure_debug(+79): [POP] syslog [31 -> 31] stderr [31 -> 511]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1015): max_db_connections [10]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[config] config_get_timeout(+445): timeout [300] seconds
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[config] config_get_timeout(+456): login_timeout [60] seconds
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1024): no value for SOCKET in config
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1026): socket []
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1047): binding to PORT [110]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1076): binding to IP []
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1082): no value for BACKLOG in config
file. Using default value [128]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1086): POP backlog [128]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1093): not resolving client IP
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1102): Disabling POP-before-SMTP
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1109): Disabling POP Authentication
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1119): effective user shall be [dbmail]
Dec 08 09:26:53 oexdev1 dbmail-pop3d[56241]: [0x7fcf2fd6b000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1128): effective group shall be
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000] Info:[debug]
configure_debug(+79): [LMTP] syslog [31 -> 31] stderr [31 -> 511]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1015): max_db_connections [10]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[config] config_get_timeout(+445): timeout [300] seconds
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[config] config_get_timeout(+456): login_timeout [60] seconds
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1024): no value for SOCKET in config
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1026): socket []
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1047): binding to PORT [24]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1076): binding to IP []
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1082): no value for BACKLOG in config
file. Using default value [128]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1086): LMTP backlog [128]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1093): not resolving client IP
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1100): no value for LMTP_BEFORE_SMTP  in
config file
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1102): Disabling LMTP-before-SMTP
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1109): Disabling LMTP Authentication
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1119): effective user shall be [dbmail]
Dec 08 09:26:57 oexdev1 dbmail-lmtpd[56258]: [0x7fe25269f000]
Debug:[server] server_config_load(+1128): effective group shall be

It looks like it cuts off at the same spot as with nobody/nobody. Could it
be a problem with the dbmail account that should have been generated with

 (0003716) Gorbash (reporter) - 23-Dec-15 20:41
We have now tried reinstalling this DBMail setup and setting effective
group / user to dbmail, and we're still running into the exact same issue,
with the logs cutting off at that point.

You mentioned earlier setting our authdriver to SQL and our driver to
sqlite. According to the config we have, the driver field is deprecated. I
can confirm our authdriver field is set to SQL; should I reactivate the
driver field and change it to sqlite?

Otherwise, I'm running out of ideas on what else we can try with this.
Should I just try building a new RPM based on the example you listed at the

 (0003717) Gorbash (reporter) - 24-Dec-15 15:13
I think I've spotted part of the problem.

You mention a dbmail.db in the line here:
"sed -i -e 's,\(^db\W*=\)\(.*$\),\1
%{_localstatedir}/lib/dbmail/dbmail.db,' \"

Not only do we not have a directory named dbmail in lib (though we have one
in lib64), we can't find a dbmail.db file anywhere within our structure.
The install should have created that file, correct? Could that be why we
can't start? 

 (0003718) thelounge (reporter) - 24-Dec-15 15:38
there is no "dbmail.db" when you are using mysql/postgreqsl as storage and
{_localstatedir} has nothing to do with lib64 - {_localstatedir} translates
to /var and so it would be /var/lib/dbmail/ the tyical runtime-data
directory like /var/lib/samba, /var/lib/hdcp, /var/lib/mysql and son on
which is by definition arch-agnostic 

 (0003719) Gorbash (reporter) - 28-Dec-15 21:04
If there's no dbmail.db, what is that line referencing? I would assume its
referring to the mysql db, but I wouldn't think the user the DB is running
would affect whether or not DBMail activates over here.

If that's the case, then changing to effective user DBMail and effective
group DBMail should have started this. Do you have any other ideas about
what might be preventing either process from starting? 

 (0003720) thelounge (reporter) - 28-Dec-15 21:13
it's likely referencing setups with no real db-server using sqlite

no, i have no idea what's preventing it to start, dbmail has a lot of bugs
but it's basically working here from Fedora 9 to Fedora 23 which covers
CentOS6/CentOS 7 over the last 7 years

what makes me sorrow is that the maintainer is silent for nearly a year now
but that's another story 

 (0003721) Gorbash (reporter) - 28-Dec-15 21:30
Well, thanks for the help regardless -- at least we've got one potential
problem tracked down. 

 (0003722) Gorbash (reporter) - 28-Dec-15 23:00
Hmm.... apparently, if I leave these "on" (loaded but inactive), I
occasionally get the following error messages 3-4 hours after I attempted
to start these processes.

Dec 27 03:15:01 oexdev1 dbmail-util[29998]: [0x7f24e9ddce00] Debug:[db]
db_connect(+201): dburi: mysql://dbmail:kL5cPdr2@mysqldbqa:5038/dbmail
Failed. An error occured. Please check log.
Dec 28 03:13:01 oexdev1 dbmail-util[35221]: [0x7f41594b7e00] Debug:[config]
GetDBParams(+365): error getting config! [sortdriver]
Dec 28 03:13:01 oexdev1 dbmail-util[35221]: [0x7f41594b7e00] Debug:[config]
GetDBParams(+367): error getting config! [serverid]
Dec 28 03:13:01 oexdev1 dbmail-util[35221]: [0x7f41594b7e00] Debug:[config]
GetDBParams(+373): error getting config! [max_db_connections]

Is it possible that the processes are simply having trouble reading the

We've tried setting the ownership of dbmail.conf to root, the dbmail user,
and nobody, in turn, without seeing any difference. Right now, dbmail.conf
is in /etc/. Is there any chance these processes might be looking in the
wrong folder for dbmail.conf? They're obviously finding it to determine
which user to use [as the errors will change to "effective user = dbmail"
when told to use user dbmail], but maybe there's another step its failing
to complete. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
12-Nov-15 15:48  Gorbash        New Issue                                    
12-Nov-15 15:52  Gorbash        Issue Monitored: Gorbash                     
12-Nov-15 15:57  thelounge      Note Added: 0003707                          
12-Nov-15 16:29  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003708                          
12-Nov-15 16:45  thelounge      Note Added: 0003709                          
13-Nov-15 16:28  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003710                          
27-Nov-15 22:14  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003711                          
03-Dec-15 22:34  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003712                          
08-Dec-15 16:30  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003713                          
23-Dec-15 20:41  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003716                          
24-Dec-15 15:13  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003717                          
24-Dec-15 15:38  thelounge      Note Added: 0003718                          
28-Dec-15 21:04  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003719                          
28-Dec-15 21:13  thelounge      Note Added: 0003720                          
28-Dec-15 21:30  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003721                          
28-Dec-15 23:00  Gorbash        Note Added: 0003722                          

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