Am 14.01.2016 um 15:12 schrieb Chedomir Nikolikj:
I've been looking around for a solution/tool that will help me migrate
an account from one dbmail instance to another. What I want to achieve
is to migrate an account from one dbmail instance to another completely,
including ACLs, filters, auto-replies etc...

That being said, tools like imapsync doesn't help here. Also, both
dbmail instances have users already in-place, so using something like:

# create table export_users as select * from dbmail_users where
user_idnr = <IDNR>
# pg_dump --table=export_users --data-only --column-inserts dbmail >

for all relevant tables would not work because of db key/id conflicts.

could someone point me to the right direction or shed some light on
this? I believe writing a custom tool would do the job, but really is
that the only option I have in this situation?

pretty sure impossible and you need to make that by hand

* imapsync
* re-create ACLs
* re-create filters
* re-create autoreplies

users end in different uid's, singlestorage of mimeparts and what not, forget it on the db-level

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