Salve All,

First thank your for developing dbmail, it is an amazing piece of software.
I'm using it for the last 6 months (beta testing it), I have encountered issues, but for the most of the i have solved them (if you are interested we can do it).

I have joined this devel list because I have found and issue and i have patched it on my server (recompile and so on and it works) but I'm asking for a review.

The issue is as follows:
- on opera-mail (maybe on others) when doing fetch (see bellow) a "parse error response" situations happens; - the issue is related to "OK [MODIFIED [1113,1114]] FETCH completed", the [MODIFIED... part;
- on opera-mail only, gets stuck on this step;

The issue was patched by:
- commenting imapcommands.c:2407 //p_string_printf(buffer, "MODIFIED [%s]", failed_ids->str);
- somehow the client does not how to cope with the [MODIFIED []]

I did not found any issues with the patched modification(so far)
My questions is:
- did i broke the standard?


Results before

14/03-2018 10:02:23 IMAP#2/2 IN {Spam}: * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1112)
* 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1113)
* 4 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1114)
000P OK [MODIFIED [1113,1114]] FETCH completed

IMAP: parse error

Result after

14/03-2018 11:01:52 IMAP#2/2 IN {Spam}: * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1112)
* 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1113)
* 4 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 1114)

000J OK FETCH completed

Cosmin Cioranu
Dbmail-dev mailing list

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