A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                khalith_ahmed
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   1095
Category:                   installation scripts
Reproducibility:            sometimes
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             12-May-18 21:19 CEST
Last Modified:              04-Jun-18 15:38 CEST
Summary:                    Required dependencies
Hi I am trying to install Dbmail for my email server and unable to succeed
as dependencies are missing. Please help me to get this.


 (0003797) thelounge (reporter) - 12-May-18 21:24
what about telling us the dependencies? such bugreports are not helpful for
wild guess: enable the EPEL repo 

 (0003798) khalith_ahmed (reporter) - 18-May-18 16:10
When I try to run below command in centos am not able to succeed.

Yum Install dbmail

Please help... 

 (0003799) thelounge (reporter) - 18-May-18 17:00

are you kidding us?
copy&paste the error message containing *which* dependencies

dbmail in unmaintained for years now on Fedora/EPEL, the last build of
libsieve was also years ago and i personally build my own packages for
dbmail, gmime, libzdb, libevent and libsieve for years now at my own

you can find the src.rpm packages on koji and try to rebuild them 


 (0003800) CozC (reporter) - 21-May-18 14:13
Indeed @thelounge you have right, but @ahmed is just trying to make his own
project run, but he is indeed a little bit misinformed. 
@ahmed you need to install all your dependencies one by one. Bellow you may
find some information (Centos 6.9)
% need to install rpmforge and epel releases
#yum install epel-release

%#rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm

#yum install gcc
#yum install glibc-headers
#yum install gcc-c++
#yum install openssl-devel
#yum install postfix
#yum install mhash*
#yum install libevent2-devel 

#yum install glib-devel
#yum install glib2*

%install libsieve
#yum install flex
%install libsieve
#./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
#make install

%install libzdb
#wget http://www.tildeslash.com/libzdb/dist/libzdb-3.1.tar.gz
#tar xvf libzdb-3.1.tar.gz
#cd libzdb-3.1
%install libzdb
#./configure --prefix=/usr --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config
--libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-protected
#make install

%GMime face parte din rpmforge
#yum install gmime-devel

%install dbmail
./configure --with-sieve=/usr --with-zdb=/usr --with-logdir --prefix=/usr 
--sysconfdir=/etc --exec-prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 
make all
make install

Please take the above commands/instructions just as a reference (you may
need to download packages one by one) and  you need to adapt them to your

Also you may have issues with selinux,  you can either disable or run it in
permissive mode and then create a module by grepping from audit.log

Hope that this works. 

 (0003803) khalith_ahmed (reporter) - 28-May-18 19:28
Thanks a lot @thelounge and @CozC for your information. I will try and get
back to you. 

 (0003804) khalith_ahmed (reporter) - 02-Jun-18 09:40
Hi @CozC, I followed the above steps and able to install latest version of
dbmail. But am unable to start dbmail services and daemons. Please help me
on this. 

Thanks and Regards

 (0003805) thelounge (reporter) - 02-Jun-18 11:03
please read and try to understand

 (0003806) CozC (reporter) - 04-Jun-18 15:38
Salve Khalith,

If you are using Centos 6 you need to copy the files form
./contrib/startup-scripts/redhat/* to /etc/init.d/
for each file copied 
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dbmail-...
and then register them with 
#chkconfig dbmail-... on

Inside each script (it should be 3) there is a line like this "# chkconfig:
- 81 19" make sure that the second column of numbers (in our case 81) is
higher then the one of your database script (it should be mysql, in the
same folder /etc/init.d) and lower then postfix. This is the priority of
starting up
If you have configured postfix using lmtpd then in the eventuality of a
restart your services (especially  postfix) will not start.

Please use
http://www.iredmail.org/docs/dbmail.mysql.centos.html#install-dbmail as a

Have a nice day. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
12-May-18 21:19  khalith_ahmed  New Issue                                    
12-May-18 21:24  thelounge      Note Added: 0003797                          
18-May-18 16:10  khalith_ahmed  Note Added: 0003798                          
18-May-18 17:00  thelounge      Note Added: 0003799                          
21-May-18 14:13  CozC           Note Added: 0003800                          
28-May-18 19:28  khalith_ahmed  Note Added: 0003803                          
02-Jun-18 09:40  khalith_ahmed  Note Added: 0003804                          
02-Jun-18 11:03  thelounge      Note Added: 0003805                          
04-Jun-18 15:38  CozC           Note Added: 0003806                          

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