Hi all,

just for a short update:

- implemented the imap append bugfix (thanks armin);
- we found the imap being extremely slow in a postgresql production environment; a single session could raise the load sky-high (we even got a load of 80 for a second ;-). Turned out that it was in fact a bug in postgresql causing this: the query

SELECT messageblk FROM messageblks WHERE message_idnr = <number>::bigint ORDER BY messageblk_idnr LIMIT 1;

messed up postgresql in such a way that this query took over 3 minutes to complete! Changing this into

SELECT messageblk FROM messageblks WHERE message_idnr = <number>::bigint ORDER BY messageblk_idnr;

solved the problem, fetching the result in a fraction of a second.

Reminded me of the discussion a few months ago regarding 'IMAP extremely slow' - maybe it referred to this problem actually.

regards roel

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