Hi all,

Today i've implemented 3 major changes to CVS:

(1) dropped the CONFIG-table, using a config file instead
(2) changed all of the IMAP server code (forking, signals, connecting - it's all improved)
(3) updated the separate authentication scheme

For the new CVS to work you will have to adapt your dbmail.conf file - the one included in cvs has already been updated.

Few key points regarding this file:

The file is divided in section. Each section starts with [NAME] (including the vertical braces) and ends with an empty line. Sections needed: [DBMAIL] - this defines the database connection parameters & the trace-level for the maintenance program (yes that last item is quick&dirty)

[POP] your POP settings
[IMAP] .. IMAP settings
[SMTP] dbmail-smtp injector settings

The names of the items in each section should be self-explanatory for you dbmail cracks but in doubt do not hesitate to ask as the documentation isn't completed yet ;)

Comments are behind a '#'.

The POP, IMAP and -SMTP programs now no longer use 2 connections on a database to discriminate between authentication and mail retrieval/insertion. Instead the first connection is copied for the authentication. This is done because two connections to the same database is actually quite expensive when they are completely identical and never used at the same time. Furthermore I haven't heard any of you complaining about using a separate authentication system and i'm pretty sure there are still some bugs in the actual separation. If anyone does use this and encounters problems with the new code (you will!), please mail and i'll try to fix a solution for you. Anyway, the only like option is having users into a LDAP system and that isn't supported at all just yet; using a postgresql database for your users and mysql for mail just doesn't seem so sensible :).

The new IMAP code should fix problems of dying children (resulting in less performance) and eating up all resources when killed by a TERM signal. As a new feature, the IMAP daemon will re-read the config file when given a SIGHUP.
This code will be implemented shortly into the POP daemon.



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