You can start the imap and pop daemons with the '-f' option; as in 'dbmail-imapd -f /etc/dbmail.conf'; i'll change the default to /etc/dbmail.conf.

Sam Przyswa heeft op maandag, 2 dec 2002 om 18:30 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

Roel Rozendaal - IC&S ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) écrivait:

What says the log? Do you have a valid dbmail.conf file? Remember that
from now on the dbmail config table is no longer used but a config file

I have a valid config file in /etc/dbmail.conf but it seems that dbmail-imapd
don't find it, I have in the log:

SetConfigItems(): no value for NCHILDREN in config file

If I launch dbmail-imapd from /etc or from my dbmail src directory with the
dbmail.conf in it, it start well.

Is it possible to define the default config file path to /etc/dbmail.conf ?


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