
Attached is a patch that can (if you #define PROC_TITLES in config.h)
give you some useful information about imap and pop clients.
Instead of giving you the normal information:
20842 ?        S      0:00 ./dbmail-imapd
20843 ?        S      0:00 ./dbmail-imapd
20844 ?        S      0:00 ./dbmail-imapd

when you run 'ps ax' (or similar), you get:
21480 ?        S      0:00 dbmail/imap4d : Idle
21481 ?        S      0:00 dbmail/imap4d : USER root []
21482 ?        S      0:00 dbmail/imap4d : USER klas []

I find it quite useful when I'm tracing errors for different users.
(I've patched the 2002-12-06 cvs version)


Attachment: process_titles.patch
Description: Binary data

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