Sri Gupta wrote:

OK!: Found it. I've just solved the problem with the pyzor thing above.. So i'll monitor it and see if that helps. Can you outline your work around in detail?

I almost feel stupid sharing this, because it's a kludge of the worst kind.
I'm too lazy to see what's actually wrong so I'm throwing voodoo and hoping
it works itself out.  In this case, it's a working kludge, but I still don't
like it.

I'm delivering mail to amavis from postfix using lmtp, and from postfix to
dbmail using dbmail-smtp..  the only lmtp connection is postfix->amavis, so
I added this to
lmtp_connect_timeout = 600s

and I have one of these in my crontab: */30 * * * * /usr/sbin/amavisd reload >/dev/null 2>&1

and I got rid of DCC, razor and pyzor..  the penalty for starting them up for
each message was huge, even compared to virus scanners..

I sorted the problem out with pyzor, and it seems to have sorted out the duplicates as well!!

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