
On 11/15/05, Dominic Amann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >ALTER TABLE tbl_name MAX_ROWS=1000000000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH=nnn;
> >
> >But before i do this, im just wondering if there is anyone out there
> >who has done this before, and it there was any issues/TFYPs in doing
> >so?
> We did that almost right away on installing dbmail: the initial data
> import took us over the 4gb limit. No problems stemming from that.

OK.. What i might do is dump the table to a file, alter the table and
then re-import. Rather than doing the alter...


On the notes above... some have had problems with data loss after not
doing a OPTIMIZE on the database before hand.

Any more comments from the list on this?



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