Wallace Tan wrote:
> I am using MySQL v5.0.77
> MySQL IS using PRIMARY index for the slow query.
> However, after reading comment 19 at:
> http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2006/12/01/count-for-innodb-tables/
> I got the idea to use another index for the COUNT.
> Any MySQL experts can explain this performance gap?

 From http://capttofu.livejournal.com/12570.html

"InnoDB stores data in primary key order.
If you don't specify a primary key, innodb creates one internally.
InnoDB uses a clustered index, which means every index is stored with the 
primary key -- so be careful when making primary keys on InnoDB tables that are 
Clustered indexes give good performance for writes as well as selecting data by 
They are _slow_ with count(*) because:

* InnoDB doesn't maintain # rows in the storage engine
* Clustered indexes are slow when you perform count(*) because it is a count 
across the primary key, that operation has to traverse each index and data 
node. The way to get around this is to use

select count(1) from t1;


select count(<some other indexed column>) from t1;"

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