Hi There,

We added a new server (B below) to our mail config... So now we have:

A) DBMail 2.2.11 on debian etch (also running mysql 5.0.32)
B) DBMail 2.2.15 on debian lenny

Both these servers connect to the mysql instance running on server A.
Email is delivered via dbmail-lmtp (from our mail filter servers) to
server B and is all running fine.

We have a problem where imap fails after a couple of mins when people
are connecting to server B.. we start dbmail on server B and it just
stops working (e.g. you cant telnet to port 143 any more). POP3 is
working find and connecting via imap to server A works with no issues.
Any ideas on how to go about solving this one?

Many thanks,

DBmail mailing list

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