On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> this is very bad, you should really take more care of what your setups
> are looking like before going in production!

Tell me about it. I ran our migration from mysql4 to mysql 5 (where we
are now) 3 times with absolutely no fault what so ever. Our testing
dbmail servers worked bang on with our testing mysql5 server. So for
some dumb/stupid reason i never checked if the tables were in innodb
format on the production run. My own stupid fault. :(

> current dbmail-versions are relying heavy on innodb and
> key-constraints for removing depending records in other tables. i wonder
> that this works with MyISAM in any way

Funny enough except for the issue with the dbmail-util cleanup command
the whole thing works very well. Go figure. :)

> as said in the previous reply you can try to dump/import without
> the structures but personally i do not like really hughe sql-dumps
> personally i would setup a dbmail-instance in any virtalizing solution

I have this all in a virtual environment with a drbd copy of the mysql
data that i can snapshot, create new VM, test etc. So at least ive got

> * import the user/alias-tables

Just checking here.. so that would be dbmail_aliases and dbmail_users right?

> * change them to innodb

Then get all the other tables setup correctly, but empty, then...

> * transfer the messages via imapsync

Is there any switches to note when using imapsync between two dbmail servers?

> * stop live/vm server
> * rsync of new mysql-datadir to the live-server
> * start services/mysql on the liveserver

All good with the last 3...

BTW: Thank you for your replies.

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