Thanks for this Paul...

> For a really large database I would not do any storage transition
> initially. New messages will be stored in the new schema, old messages
> are still available. This will break IMAP body searches (who uses
> those??), but everything else works just fine.

OK, just to confirm here (we have a 100GB dbmail mysql db running in a 
master>slave setup)... we could move over to dbmail 3 without any storage 
transition at first - is there new tables you need to add to the DB?

> When you feel like everything is working as it should, you may start
> migrating old content in batches at times when fewer clients are
> connected.
> dbmail-util is used for that
> -M::
> migrate legacy 2.2.x messageblks to mimeparts table.
> -m limit::
> limit number of physmessages migrated. Default 10000 per run.

Cool - so once all working, we can do things bit by bit. Nice.

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