Am 04.01.2017 um 22:32 schrieb Claas Kähler:
Okay this part is easy, but how could i extract samples from dbmail to
put them into a folder?

by IMAP - you are not supposed to directyl access email via mysql since you underestimate the complexity of the strcuture and must not rely on internal aka non-public API's

Am 04.01.17 um 22:26 schrieb Reindl Harald:

Am 04.01.2017 um 20:50 schrieb Claas Kähler:
Hallo everybody,

I have a serious Spam-Problem and I want to feed sa-learn with those
Spam-mails to get rid of it.

Has someone found a solution to train Spamassassin with data from

just put your samples in folders and use "sa-learn" with the correct user

0      81476    SPAM
0      25659    HAM
0    3227434    TOKEN

insgesamt 376M
 24K -rw-r----- 1 sa-milt sa-milt  24K 2017-01-04 16:29 bayes_seen
 65M -rw-r----- 1 sa-milt sa-milt  81M 2017-01-04 16:29 bayes_toks
312M -rw-r----- 1 sa-milt sa-milt 312M 2017-01-04 16:29 wordlist.db

BAYES_00         1682   58.99 %
BAYES_05           84    2.94 %
BAYES_20           81    2.84 %
BAYES_40          104    3.64 %
BAYES_50          394   13.81 %
BAYES_60           56    1.96 %     9.75 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)
BAYES_80           60    2.10 %    10.45 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)
BAYES_95           38    1.33 %     6.62 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)
BAYES_99          352   12.34 %    61.32 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)
BAYES_999         285    9.99 %    49.65 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)

DELIVERED        5104   91.91 %
DNSWL            4984   89.75 %
SPF              4088   73.61 %
SPF/DKIM WL      2250   40.51 %
SHORTCIRCUIT     2690   48.44 %

BLOCKED           574   10.33 %
SPAMMY            506    9.11 %    88.15 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)
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