Hi Olivier,

> On 10 Oct 2016, at 21:59, Olivier Rossel <olivier.ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The availability of DbPedia  as a virtuoso DB file was really helpful for me. 
> I hope this feature will still be maintained on the long run.
> (And the fact that linkedgeodata was just one namedgraph away was also pretty 
> cool!)

Yes, that was an (inofficial) option that i offered in the past (simply a 
compressed backup of the whole Virtuoso DB directory directly after import).
Unlike the docker approach it doesn't bundle a fixed Virtuoso version with the 
DB, so you'd need to install Virtuoso on your own.

While the main focus here is make reproducibility very easy (so same data and 
executable as at release time), there are scenarios in which it's desirable to 
run an old DBpedia version with a newer Virtuoso version than at release time 
(think of SPARQL 1.1).
So maybe we should also have a look at how to ship a DB version.
As the DB snapshot is however very easy to extract from a docker image 
(probably a volume anyhow), I think this could be an easy addenum on top of (or 
as part) of the dockerization efforts.


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