
I am a third year undergrad student at IIT Bombay, India. I am proficient
in python and have absolutely no background in Scala, and so I am looking
for projects where almost the whole work is done in python.

I found couple of projects suited to my need, for eg: fact  extractor, QA
Engine, Keyword Search. However, besides the fact extractor, the others
have no  active repo or prior warm-up tasks. I am very much interested
regarding the QA engine idea and so I mailed you before regarding how to
get started with the QA Engine project, but there was no reply. I am
wondering whether the QA Engine project is being given less priority, and
so no activity pertaining to it.

So, can you please guide me how to start with either the QA Engine project
or Keyword Search project. Are there any warm-up tasks hosted elsewhere on
these projects?

Your reply is highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,
Rajat Garg
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