Hi guys!

I'm a Computer Science student from Rosario, Argentina. Last year I've
participated in the GSoC for Haskell.org and now I definitely want to
participate again. I find DBPedia a very interesting project and a
great community to be part of, and I'm looking for a cool project to
work on inside this organization. I'm keen on functional-oriented
languages (such as Scala, Haskell, and so on), and I came up with the
following idea which I'm very interested in:

To begin with, I'd like to start with the warm-up tasks, and I could
properly set the environment to work with the extraction-framework. I
followed this guide:
However, when I run the project, I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException:
../mappings/Mapping_ceb.xml (No such file or directory)

Could you provide me with some help with this issue? Do I need to do
something else?

Thanks in advance!


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