
My name is Peng Xu. And I'm a first-year M.Sc. of Computing Science in
University of Alberta. I hope it will not be too late to participate in
this exciting group.

In a graduate course I'm taking currently, DBpedia is introduced and
utilized a lot for the course assignments. And I find it extremely powerful
for information extraction and natural language processing. During the
course, I've got familiar with sparql and rdflib package in python. In my
undergraduate, I've worked on a project called Aminer
<https://aminer.org/> which
is a scholar website like Google Scholar and DBLP. I'm responsible for
extracting the data from google scholar and disambiguating authors' names
in the database. In addition, I have known a little bit about scala and

Here's some ideas on DBpedia ideas for GSoC
I'm interested in:

   - Learning to predict types for DBpedia
   - Derived/Extra WikiPage Information Extractor
   - Merge and dockerify the DBpedia extraction and release process
   - The Table Extractor

I've just skim these ideas and I will look into them deeper later on. Hope
I can contribute to this great project.

Best Regards
Peng Xu
M.Sc., Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta
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