Hello all,

At the DBpedia Day in Leipzig we talked a little about an ontology 
mapping that is more fine-grained (and accurate) than the categories on 
Wikipedia. For example "The Diamond Age has genre Science Fiction", "The 
Diamond Age has 455 pages" and "The Diamond Age has shipping weight 90 
grams" are really about subjects of different types (an abstract work, 
an edition, and a physical thing). But they are all expressed on a 
single item in Wikipedia which can't have all these different types.

My question: Has there been work to map WIkidata qualified statements? 
For example, Spain is a country where part of the country is in the 
Canary Islands. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q29 . So there are 
statements for "located in time zone" with the qualifier "applies to 
part Canary Islands".

located in time zone
   UTC ±00:00
     applies to part Canary Islands
     valid in period standard time
   UTC +01:00
     applies to part Canary Islands
     valid in period daylight saving time

Adding this qualifier effectively creates an anonymous resource "the 
Canary Islands part of Spain". The type of this resource and domain of 
the property "located in time zone" is not "country" but "region". (And 
the extra qualifier "valid in period standard time" actually creates a 
more refined anonymous resource.)

Hopefully you can see the idea. If DBpedia mapping can work with 
Wikidata qualified statements, maybe the same process can be used to 
create the more refined resources needed for "The Diamond age abstract 
work", "The Diamond Age edition" and "The Diamond Age physical thing". 
Then the properties like "number of pages" can have a more refined 
domain and apply to the correct refined subject.

- Jeff

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