The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has awarded eight scholarships so that 
members can attend the Digital Preservation Training Programme (DPTP) in London 
in November.

'Training budgets are under a lot of pressure just now, but the need for skills 
in digital preservation continues to grow', explained William Kilbride of the 
DPC. 'We decided we would try to increase the number of scholarships this year 
because they have been very popular.  This is the largest number we've so far 
funded through DPTP.  We're delighted to be able to support our members in this 

The following applicants were selected:

*         Hugh Campbell of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

*         Anna Collins of Cambridge University Library

*         Ruth Frendo of the Archives and Records Association

*         Nick Hodder of The National Archives

*         Paul James of the National Library of Wales

*         Kirnn Kaur of the British Library

*         Emily Nimmo of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical 
Monuments of Scotland

*         Kate O'Brien of the Centre for E-Research at King's College London

Applicants were judged against three main criteria: the role that DPTP would 
play in career development; the benefits to a DPC member organisation from 
attendance; and the extent to which the applicant's job profile within the 
organisation pertains to digital preservation. Applications were open to DPC 
members and associates and reviewed by a small committee of the DPC and ULCC 
who teach the course.

'Best practice in digital preservation has developed considerably in the last 
few years but the need for dissemination has been a constant,' explained 
Richard Ovenden, Assistant Director of the Bodleian Libraries at Oxford 
University as well as Chair of the DPC. 'The DPC's Leadership Programme brings 
direct benefit to the recipients who will be able to bring latest thinking back 
to their own institutions. Moreover, because DPC guarantees a large number of 
places on the course it reduces the risks associated with running the course 
and that's good news for all the participants, whether we support them or not.'

The Digital Preservation Training Programme (DPTP) is designed for all those 
working in institutional information management who are grappling with 
fundamental issues of digital preservation. It provides the skills and 
knowledge necessary for institutions to combine organisational and 
technological perspectives, and devise an appropriate response to the 
challenges that digital preservation needs present. DPTP is operated and 
organised by the University of London Computer Centre in collaboration with the 

This is the sixth time the DPC Leadership programme has supported DPTP in this 
way and it has now offered 32 scholarships so that members can attend the 

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is a not-for profit membership 
organisation whose primary objective is to raise awareness of the importance of 
the preservation of digital material and the attendant strategic, cultural and 
technological issues. It acts as an enabling and agenda-setting body within the 
digital preservation world and works to meet this objective through a number of 
high level goals. Its vision is to make our digital memory accessible tomorrow.

The next DPTP will be held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, off 
Russell Square, London from the 14th - 16th November 2011.

For more information on the DPC see: and for more on 
the Digital Preservation Training Programme see:

Dr William Kilbride FSA
Executive Director
Digital Preservation Coalition

44 (0)141 330 4522

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