This JISC report offers may be of interest to list members. 

News release
14 March 2012

Text mining promises huge economic and research benefit, but copyright law and 
other barriers are limiting its use, says JISC report

A new JISC report shows that text mining - a complex and innovative method of 
searching and analysing data - has huge potential benefits for the UK economy 
and knowledge base, but its use is being held back by copyright law and other 

Read the report 

Sir Mark Walport, the director of the Wellcome Trust, said at a related event 
last night: "This is a complete no-brainer. This is scholarly research funded 
from the public purse, largely from taxpayer and philanthropic organisations. 
The taxpayer has the right to have maximum benefit extracted and that will only 
happen if there is maximum access to it."

Text mining draws on data analysis techniques such as natural language 
processing and information extraction to find new knowledge and meaningful 
patterns within large collections. 

Torsten Reimer, JISC programme manager, explains, “Text mining is already 
producing efficiencies and new knowledge in areas as diverse as biological 
science, particle physics, media and communications. It has been used to 
hypothesise the causes of rare diseases and how pre-existing drugs could be 
used to target different diseases.

“The technique was also used recently to analyse the vast amount of text 
produced on websites, blogs and social media such as Twitter - where copyright 
holders allowed - and showed that the messages exchanged on Twitter during the 
English riots of 2011 were not to blame for inciting riots," added Torsten.

The business benefit of text mining is in identifying emerging trends, and to 
explore consumer preferences and competitor developments. Text mining is 
particularly used in larger companies as part of their customer relationship 
management strategy and in the pharmaceutical industry as part of their 
research and development strategy.  

The report shows that such techniques could enable researchers in UK 
universities to gain new knowledge that would otherwise remain undiscovered 
because there is just too much relevant literature for any one person to read. 
Such discoveries could lead to benefits for society and the economy.

The UK has a number of strengths that put it in a good position to be a key 
player in text mining development, such as the existence of good framework 
conditions for innovation and the natural advantage of its native language.

Professor Douglas Kell, chief executive of the BBSRC says, “This report shows 
the importance of implementing the recommendations of the Hargreaves Review  as 
current copyright law is also imposing restrictions, since text mining involves 
a range of computerised analytical processes which are not all readily 
permitted within UK intellectual property law. In order to be ‘mined’, text 
must be accessed, copied, analysed, annotated and related to existing 
information and understanding.  Even if the user has access rights to the 
material, making annotated copies can be illegal under current copyright law 
without the permission of the copyright holder. 

“The report also shows that text mining can add enormous value to the benefit 
of the UK economy, as long as the text is freely available and unencumbered. 
Otherwise there is a real risk that we will miss discoveries that could have 
significant social and economic impact.”

Torsten added, “These laws are inhibiting text mining’s wider usage and making 
academic institutions nervous of taking it up. Without wider usage, the 
potential for text mining to generate gains for the economy and society cannot 
be exploited and the UK economy will be less able to take advantage of its 
strong public research base. There is a danger that the UK may be left behind 
as other countries such as Japan adopt a more liberal approach that encourages 
text mining usage.”

The report identifies a number of barriers that we need to overcome to make 
best use of text mining tools in the future.  Firstly, text mining is a complex 
technical process that requires skilled staff; secondly it requires 
unrestricted access to information sources; thirdly copyright can be a barrier.

The report authors conclude that more work needs to be undertaken to raise 
awareness of the potential benefits and value of text mining to UK further and 
higher education.

An event at the Wellcome Trust last night started the process of looking at how 
publishers, researchers and policy makers can make this happen.

Read a blog post about the event <>

Read the report 

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