Apologies for cross-posting. 

iConference 2013: Early-bird registration available through Dec. 15, 2012
12-15 February, 2013, Fort Worth, Texas

The iConference planning committee is pleased to announce the opening of 
registration for iConference 2013, with special early-bird registration rates 
available through Dec. 15, 2012. Register today at 
The eighth annual iConference will take place February 12-15, 2013, at the 
Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas. The four days will include 
peer-reviewed papers, notes, posters, workshops, and alternative events. Also 
included is a Doctoral Student Colloquium, an Early Career Colloquium, a 
Research Paper Development Roundtable, and our first-ever Social Media Expo. 
Keynote addresses will be given by Nancy Cantor, Myron Gutmann, and V. Lane 
Rawlins. More details below.

The iConference is presented by the iSchools, a worldwide association of 
academic institutions dedicated to advancing the information field in the 21st 
century. The iConference pushes the boundaries of information studies, explores 
core concepts and ideas, and creates new technological and conceptual 
configurations - all situated in interdisciplinary discourses. This year's 
conference is presented under the banner "Data, Innovation, Wisdom."

Register now to take advantage of our special Early Bird rates. Visit our 
website for additional details: 

iConference 2013 is hosted by the College of Information at the University of 
North Texas. Presenting Sponsors include the National Science Foundation and 
Microsoft Research. Additional support provided by CA Technologies, Emerald 
Group Publishing, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, and the UNT COI Alumni Society.

QUALITY AND BREADTH OF RESEARCH - We received a tremendous response to our CFP, 
and our reviewers were highly selective. Papers, posters, and this year's new 
category of notes will span design, e-learning, health, knowledge organization, 
open access, social media, and much more. You're sure to experience much that 
pertains to your area of expertise. Our complete program schedule will be 
posted soon.
UNPARALLELED NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES - The iConference draws fellow scholars 
and professionals who share your passion and research interests. It's an 
immersive experience that fosters interaction, spontaneity, reflection, and 
potential collaboration. 

DYNAMIC KEYNOTE SPEAKERS - This year's speakers include Nancy Cantor, 
Chancellor, Syracuse University; Myron Gutmann, Assistant Director for the 
National Science Foundation; and V. Lane Rawlins, President, University of 
North Texas. 

THOUGHT-PROVOKING WORKSHOPS - The iConference has a tradition of opening with a 
day of interactive workshops, access to which is included with your 
registration. Once again we are pleased to host the Sociotechnical Research 
workshop, and new this year is a Special Workshop on Information Privacy, 
presented by the iSchools Caucus. Our complete list of workshops follows:

* Special Workshop on Information Privacy
* Sociotechnical Systems Research: Advancing Clear Definitions, Conceptual 
Boundaries, Shared
* Understandings, and Promising and Fruitful Research Problem Domains
* Educating E-Discovery Litigation Support Professionals
* Big Social Data for Social and Information Scientists
* Digital Youth Workshop: Calling all Designers, Researchers and Policy Makers
* Filling the Workforce gap in Data Science and Data Analytics
* Data Management Planning: Where we've been and where we are going next
* An Introduction to Policy Informatics
* Computational Scientometrics: Theory and Applications
* Capitalizing on Research to Improve Education in Digital Curation
* Help iDigBio Reveal Hidden Data: iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Needs 
* From iSchools to US Ignite: Strategies for Fostering Inclusive Gigabit 

Learn more at http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/workshops/. 

DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM - With support from the National Science Foundation, our 
doctoral student colloquium provides invited doctoral students the opportunity 
to present their work to senior faculty and one another in a setting that is 
relatively informal but that allows for the fullest of intellectual exchanges. 

Learn more at http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/doctoral/. 

EARLY CAREER COLLOQUIUM - Crafted for those in pre-tenure positions, the 
program will include dialogue, guidance and insights from tenured faculty and 

Learn more at http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/jr_faculty/. 

SOCIAL MEDIA EXPO - Sponsored by FUSE Labs of Microsoft Research, this student 
Expo is organized around the theme of leveraging social media to foster 
lifelong learning in everyday life. It will showcase exceptional 
interdisciplinary research and development work from select information school 

Learn more at http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/expo/. 

* Conference Home: http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/2013index/
* Registration: https://www.conftool.pro/iConference13/ 
* Accommodation: http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/accommodation/  
* Past Proceedings: http://www.ischools.org/site/conference/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IConference
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/iConf 


Honorary Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Liddy, Syracuse University; Herman Totten, 
University of North Texas

Conference Chair: William Moen, University of North Texas

Program Co-Chairs: Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; Martin Halbert, 
University of North Texas

Papers and Notes Co-Chairs: Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; Martin 
Halbert, University of North Texas

Posters Chair: Catherine Blake, University of Illinois, Elaine Toms, University 
of Sheffield

Workshops Co-Chairs: John Carlo Bertot, University of Maryland; Paul T. Jaeger, 
University of Maryland

Alternative Events Co-Chairs: Marcia A. Mardis, The Florida State University; 
Maria Souden, University College Dublin

Research Paper Development Roundtable Chair: Martin B.H. Weiss, University of 

Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs: Hamid Ekbia, Indiana University; Karen Fisher, 
University of Washington; Jens-Erik Mai, University of Toronto

Early Career Colloquium Chair: Steven B. Sawyer, Syracuse University

Social Media Expo Committee: Shelly D. Farnham, Microsoft Research; Eytan Adar, 
University of Michigan; Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University; Anthony J. 
Rotolo, Syracuse University

Doctoral Dissertation Competition Committee: David Hendry, University of 
Washington; Lynne Howarth, University of Toronto; Steve Sawyer, Syracuse 

Information Privacy Workshop Co-Chairs: Deirdre K. Mullican, UC Berkeley; 
Allessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University

Information Privacy Workshop Steering Committee: Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie 
Mellon University; Finn Brunton, University of Michigan; Jean Camp, Indiana 
University; Robert Deng, Singapore Management University; Jens Grossklags, Penn 
State; Xu Heng, Penn State; Chris Hoofnagle, UC Berkeley; Apu Kapadia, Indiana 
University; Cliff Lampe, University of Michigan; Deirdre K. Mulligan, UC 
Berkeley; Rahul Telang, Carnegie Mellon University; Yingjiu LI, Singapore 
Management University
Proceedings Co-Chairs: Linda Schamber, University of North Texas; Oksana 
Zavalina, University of North Texas

Proceedings Co-Chairs: Linda Schamber, University of North Texas; Oksana 
Zavalina, University of North Texas

Conference System Coordinator: Yunfei Du, University of North Texas

Program Committee:
Eileen Abels, Drexel University
Theresa Anderson, University of Technology, Sydney
Rosa Arriaga, Georgia Institute of Technology
Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
John Carlo Bertot, University of Maryland 
Randolph Bias, University of Texas
Wade Bishop, University of Kentucky
Catherine Blake, University of Illinois
Pia Borlund, Royal School of Library and Information Science Copenhagen
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
Joy Davidson, Glasgow University
Robert Deng, Singapore Management University
Yunfei Du, University of North Texas
Hamid Ekbia, Indiana University
Pedro Ferreira, Carnegie Mellon
Andrew Flinn, University College London
Fred Fonseca, Pennsylvania State University
Maria Gade, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
Steve Howard, University of Melbourne
Paul T. Jaeger, University of Maryland
Heikki Keskustalo, University of Tampere
Anita Komlodi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Cory Knobel, University of California, Irvine
Elizabeth Liddy, Syracuse University
Jens-Erik Mai, University of Toronto
Marcia A. Mardis, The Florida State University;
Eden Medina, Indiana University
Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia
Karine Nahon, University of Washington
Arcot Rajasekar (Raja), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lionel Robert, University of Michigan
Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University
Steve Sawyer, Syracuse University
Linda Schamber, University of North Texas
Maria Souden, University College Dublin
Mega Subramanian, University of Maryland
Elaine Toms, University of Sheffield
Herman Totten, University of North Texas
Martin B.H. Weiss, University of Pittsburgh
Judith Wusteman, University College Dublin
Iris Xie, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Learn more at: http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/2013index/

Joy Davidson
Associate Director
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
HATII, University of Glasgow
11 University Gardens
G12 8QJ
Tel: 0141 330 8592
Email: joy.david...@glasgow.ac.uk

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