On 9/20/06, Andrea Bittau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 09:04:12AM +1200, Ian McDonald wrote:
> Remember Dave merged my tx queueing recently so this is available now

I don't think tx queueing immedeately "helps" solving this problem.  It's an

Understand totally. I wasn't saying tx queueing would solve world
hunger. It just helps you with the proper approach - doesn't solve it
as there is a whole lot more to do...

To make this even more efficient, CCID could say, "hey you can send X packets".
This way, with a single notification from CCID, DCCP may drain its tx queue.

If tx queueing doesn't help, how do you drain your tx queue when you
don't have one :-)
Ian McDonald
Web: http://wand.net.nz/~iam4
Blog: http://imcdnzl.blogspot.com
WAND Network Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Waikato
New Zealand
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