2007/9/20, Gerrit Renker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> |  Re-submitting, with hopefully proper tags etc.
> |
> |
> |  After discussing the topic on IRC, we figured we need a place to have
> |  the sources for CCID 4 available for everyone. This way we can finally
> |  start cooperating on it.
> |
> The patches applied fine, a new subtree `ccid4' has been created to host 
> these.
> The subtree can be checked out by
>         1) create a subtree
>                 git-checkout -b ccid4 master
>         2) pull the CCID4 subtree
>                 pull  eden-feed:/usr/src/GIT/dccp_exp.git ccid4
> This tree now sits on top of the test tree, i.e. inherits it. As said, I am ok
> tracking changes required to ensure that patches remain applicable.
> What I can't do is to track updates to CCID3 into your code, since that would 
> mean
> altering your patches; so it is something you need to keep track of 
> yourselves.
> Gerrit
> -
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I think that update ccid4 according to ccid-3 will not be a problem.

Leandro Melo de Sales.
Pervasive and Embedded Computing Laboratory
BRisa and E-Phone Projects Manager & Network Administrator
+55 083 3310-1404 (extension 208)

"There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary, those who don't"
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