See step-27 <>:

VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
>                                             0,
>                                             ZeroFunction<dim>(),
>                                             constraints);

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 2:02:18 PM UTC+2, Deepak Gupta wrote:
> Thanks JP,
> I took the above points into my code except that I do not know/understand 
> how to add boundary conditions in the constraint matrix without using the 
> apply_boundary_values. Could you divert me to an example or discussion 
> where this is done.
> Best
> Deepak
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Jean-Paul Pelteret <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Deepak,
>> Its not pretty but at a glance this does look plausibly correct. There 
>> are a few more things that you should check:
>> - Add the boundary conditions directly to the constraints matrix, instead 
>> of using MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values. You can just use a 
>> ZeroFunction on boundary 42 instead of the function you've defined here.
>> - You've created a temporary quadrature object "QGauss<2> 
>> temp_quad(cell->active_fe_index()+3);" which is suspicious. Remove this. 
>> You can retrieve the active quadrature formula from FEValues. 
>> - Run this in debug mode to check that there are no other mistakes that 
>> we can't pick up by just looking at the code.
>> If you do all of this and still have no success, then post the updated 
>> code and I'll fiddle with it later.
>> J-P
>> On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 12:19:39 PM UTC+2, Deepak Gupta wrote:
>>> Thanks JP for the elaborate clarification. I quickly tried to test a 
>>> *distributed 
>>> source term* commenting out the point load function and adding the 
>>> following before distribute_local_to_global:
>>>  //Calculating cell_rhs
>>>         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i){
>>>             const unsigned int component_i = 
>>> cell->get_fe().system_to_component_index(i).first;
>>>             for(unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; 
>>> ++q_point){
>>>                 double body_load = 0;
>>>                 if (component_i == 1 && cell_itr%4 == 3) body_load = 0.5;
>>>                 cell_rhs(i) += fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point) *
>>>                         body_load * //rhs_values[q_point](component_i) *
>>>                         fe_values.JxW(q_point);
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>> However, the results are still similar, although magnitudes differ 
>>> (globally_p_2.png and locally_p_3.png). The cases with global and local 
>>> refinement are attached. The strange thing is that the symmetry in absolute 
>>> value of x-displacement is lost when one element is of higher order. I 
>>> would expect a bit of difference but not this much. 
>>> Do you think the source term implementation is correct? I added force 
>>> term only in the two cells on the ride side.
>>> Best regards
>>> Deepak
>>> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Jean-Paul Pelteret <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, so its a benchmark test not one you've come up with yourself. Fair 
>>>> enough...
>>>> What I'm suggesting is that you implement the RHS contribution from the 
>>>> load within the local assembly loop. You can have a look at how the point 
>>>> source is implemented in VectorTools::create_point_source_vector and 
>>>> duplicate this within your assembly routine (you could probably either do 
>>>> this localised to one cell or distribute the load contribution over the 
>>>> neighbouring cells). This way when you call distribute_local_to_global 
>>>> this 
>>>> contribution gets scaled correctly. Why you can't do this with your 
>>>> current 
>>>> function "add_point_source_to_rhs" is because it directly modifies the 
>>>> global system RHS vector.
>>>> I hope that this explains better what I think you might need to do to 
>>>> correct the issue.
>>>> J-P
>>>> On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 11:26:18 AM UTC+2, Deepak Gupta wrote:
>>>>> Thanks JP. Indeed a concise example should help and that is where I 
>>>>> started. I took a scalar-valued example, however, it did not show the 
>>>>> same 
>>>>> problem as this one. Thus, I decided to move towards this case. I take 
>>>>> this 
>>>>> blame that I should have an even simpler case, and I hope I can come up 
>>>>> soon.
>>>>> In the meantime, I will take the suggestions into account and see if 
>>>>> the issue goes away.
>>>>> *"Anyway, I've noticed that you call "add_point_source_to_rhs" after 
>>>>> you've applied the hanging node constraints and boundary conditions via 
>>>>> hanging_node_constraints.distribute_local_to_global. This might be the 
>>>>> problem because the matrix and RHS contribution is modified when the 
>>>>> local 
>>>>> constraints are applied. I would suggest that you implement this as a 
>>>>> standard traction boundary condition and then add its local contribution 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> the global RHS vector as per usual. This would eliminate another possible 
>>>>> source of error."*
>>>>> So, would it be correct, if I move my add_point_source_to_rhs function 
>>>>> above create_local_to_global? Also, to compare with the benchmarks, I 
>>>>> need 
>>>>> to keep it a point load. Would that still be possible with traction 
>>>>> boundary condition?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Deepak
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Jean-Paul Pelteret <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Deepak,
>>>>>> Its always easier to help debug a well document, clear and concise 
>>>>>> example. It was less about checking the implementation than 
>>>>>> understanding 
>>>>>> what the code is doing and how all of the parts interact. After all, we 
>>>>>> can 
>>>>>> only work with what you give us.
>>>>>> Anyway, I've noticed that you call "add_point_source_to_rhs" after 
>>>>>> you've applied the hanging node constraints and boundary conditions via 
>>>>>> hanging_node_constraints.distribute_local_to_global. This might be 
>>>>>> the problem because the matrix and RHS contribution is modified when the 
>>>>>> local constraints are applied. I would suggest that you implement this 
>>>>>> as a 
>>>>>> standard traction boundary condition and then add its local contribution 
>>>>>> to 
>>>>>> the global RHS vector as per usual. This would eliminate another 
>>>>>> possible 
>>>>>> source of error.
>>>>>> Yes, as best I can discern VectorTools::create_point_source_vector 
>>>>>> should do the same job for you (i.e. create the equivalent RHS 
>>>>>> contribution 
>>>>>> as a point load). I've never used it though so I don't know what the 
>>>>>> implications of using it in this context are (i.e. the interaction of 
>>>>>> hp-constraints).
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> J-P
>>>>>> On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 8:41:42 AM UTC+2, Deepak Gupta wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear JP,
>>>>>>> Thanks for looking at the example. The code itself is not a simple 
>>>>>>> example that I implemented. Rather it is a part of my exact problem and 
>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>> have cut it out from the rest of the code to demonstrate my problem. I 
>>>>>>> am 
>>>>>>> working on design optimization and this part goes in there as the 
>>>>>>> modeling 
>>>>>>> part.
>>>>>>> Indeed the compilation of the B-matrix might look complicated. 
>>>>>>> However, a closer look might reveal that B matrix is compiled as shown 
>>>>>>> in * 
>>>>>>> <>*, page 2, slide 3. 
>>>>>>> This link is just a  random example I took. I hope there is no error in 
>>>>>>> that part of the code since I have been using it and it worked in the 
>>>>>>> past. 
>>>>>>> Also, if that formulation would be wrong, I would wonder why the 
>>>>>>> globally 
>>>>>>> fine mesh would give the correct results. The values 420, 428 etc are 
>>>>>>> correct since they are very close to a MATLAB version of FEM code that 
>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>> compared with.
>>>>>>> Thanks for pointing out the *vertex_dof_index* function. However, I 
>>>>>>> have some question related to it now:
>>>>>>> 1) When I describe the point load using my approach, I get the load 
>>>>>>> where I wanted (see my_approach_point_load.png).
>>>>>>> 2) However, when I use *vertex_dof_index *function, the load gets 
>>>>>>> attached to a different component of a wrong vertex (see 
>>>>>>> new_point_load.png). I am wondering how I should use this function, or 
>>>>>>> may 
>>>>>>> be there is something else wrong with my code that makes it wrong.
>>>>>>> I used following lines in the code: 
>>>>>>>                 system_rhs(cell->vertex_dof_index(v, 0)) = 0;
>>>>>>>                 system_rhs(cell->vertex_dof_index(v, 1)) = 1;
>>>>>>> 3) In addition, I would like to know whether I can use 
>>>>>>> *Ve*
>>>>>>> *ctorTools::create_point_source_vector *for the same? This function 
>>>>>>> used to help me for bilinear elements.
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Deepak
>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Jean-Paul Pelteret <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Deepak,
>>>>>>>> You've chosen a difficult example for us to evaluate, because your 
>>>>>>>> implementation of the plane stress condition is rather hard to follow. 
>>>>>>>> Can 
>>>>>>>> you provide a reference from which you're implementing this?
>>>>>>>> At the very least your implementation of "add_point_source_to_rhs" 
>>>>>>>> looks suspicious to me. The ordering of the vertices has, in general, 
>>>>>>>> nothing to do with the ordering of the DoFs. You should use the 
>>>>>>>> vertex_dof_index 
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>  function 
>>>>>>>> to retrieve the DoF associated with a vertex. There are a number 
>>>>>>>> of posts 
>>>>>>>> <!searchin/dealii/vertex_dof_index%7Csort:relevance>
>>>>>>>> that discuss the use of this function.
>>>>>>>> J-P
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 7:39:28 PM UTC+2, Deepak Gupta 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Wolfgang,
>>>>>>>>> Yes it is ConstraintMatrix::distribute_local_to_global.
>>>>>>>>> I have finally come up with a small example that clearly shows the 
>>>>>>>>> issue I am facing. Attached is the code and 3 outputs. I have a 
>>>>>>>>> rectangle 
>>>>>>>>> domain of 4X8 elements. A point load (0, 1) is applied at the second 
>>>>>>>>> vertex 
>>>>>>>>> from the top at the right boundary and the left boundary is fixed. 
>>>>>>>>> The 
>>>>>>>>> y-displacement will be maximum at the load point. Now I look at 3 
>>>>>>>>> cases:
>>>>>>>>> 1) Using *globally biquadratic elements* -> displacement value is 
>>>>>>>>> *420.2 
>>>>>>>>> *(as in biquadratic.png)
>>>>>>>>> *.*2) Using* globally bicubic elements* -> displacement value is  
>>>>>>>>> *426.8* (as in bicubic.png).
>>>>>>>>> 3) Using *biquadratic for all elements*, except that the *element 
>>>>>>>>> with index 6 is bicubic*, displacement value is *61.45 *(as in 
>>>>>>>>> mix.png).
>>>>>>>>> I would expect the result of *3) *to be between *1) *and *2) 
>>>>>>>>> *ideally. 
>>>>>>>>> I have tested it for finer meshes, but such issues exists. Could 
>>>>>>>>> someone 
>>>>>>>>> help me in locating the problem. Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>> Deepak
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Wolfgang Bangerth <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Deepak,
>>>>>>>>>> By the way, I am constructing the cell matrices using B'DB, where 
>>>>>>>>>>> B is
>>>>>>>>>>> the strain-displacement matrix and D is the constitutive 
>>>>>>>>>>> relation. Then
>>>>>>>>>>> I add it to the system matrix using distribute_local_to_gobal 
>>>>>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>>>>>> Since B and D are the same for global and adaptive case, I do 
>>>>>>>>>>> not expect
>>>>>>>>>>> any difference in the cell matrices. The system_rhs is correct 
>>>>>>>>>>> since I
>>>>>>>>>>> have only a point load and I can check it by printing the 
>>>>>>>>>>> vector. Thus,
>>>>>>>>>>> the possible issue can be only in the assembly (for the local 
>>>>>>>>>>> refinement
>>>>>>>>>>> one). My problem is vector-values. In case this information can 
>>>>>>>>>>> lead to
>>>>>>>>>>> any other suggestion from someone, it would be great.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't have any experience with this approach, but at the end of 
>>>>>>>>>> the day, you get a local matrix  A_K = B_K' D_K B_K  for each cell 
>>>>>>>>>> K, and 
>>>>>>>>>> that should be all that matters. I assume you mean 
>>>>>>>>>> ConstraintMatrix::distribute_local_to_gobal, not 
>>>>>>>>>> cell->distribute_local_to_gobal, right?
>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile I am going to extend the simple example for a basic 
>>>>>>>>>>> version of
>>>>>>>>>>> the elastic problem I am trying to solve. Hope then I can figure 
>>>>>>>>>>> out the
>>>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>>> Good plan.
>>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>>>  W.
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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