Hi Jean-Paul

Thanks for your answer. Now I understand that the problem was deal.II is 
expecting an integer as the surface name so that it can be converted to 
boundary id. So I changed my surface name from "top" to "1" (without 
quotes). But all the faces that are at the boundary still have the boundary 
id = 0. The method that I used to check the boundary id is 

I expected some boundary ids to be 1. But deal.II was able to figure out 
how many faces are at the boundary. What did I miss?  Do you have a sample 
Abaqus file that deal.II can process (read mesh and boundary IDs)?

On Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 7:13:33 PM UTC-4, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
> Hi Jie,
> Unfortunately this is not possible to do in our current implementation. 
> The format of an Abaqus mesh file is quite general, and suggested by the 
> documentation 
> <https://www.dealii.org/8.5.0/doxygen/deal.II/classGridIn.html#a51f7977b217e305d3538574cbd3d3a01>
>  our 
> parser has only the capability to read in a file with a very specific 
> format. At this point 
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/source/grid/grid_in.cc?utf8=%E2%9C%93#L3031>
> in the source code you can see what the parser expects for materials and 
> here 
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/source/grid/grid_in.cc?utf8=%E2%9C%93#L3077>
> for surfaces (boundaries). It would be unreasonable to allow any string 
> entries ("names"): since we store our boundary ID's as integers, what would 
> be the correlation between the name you give a surface and the generated 
> boundary id? Furthermore, deal.II doesn't know anything about the physics 
> of your problem, so that your boundary condition represents a constant 
> traction or anything else would, again, be impossible to interpret in 
> general (we would have to generate boundary Functions to match the input 
> data). Abaqus and other FEM packages might be able to read in such a mesh, 
> but in all likelihood they themselves would also have some limitations in 
> terms of the input file format. 
> its quite possible that with a mesh of this structure we would simply 
> ignore all of these sections; however, it may also trigger an assertion. 
> What you could do is split/parse the mesh into two parts, with the first 
> being read by read_abaqus() to generate the grid without boundary ID's and 
> the second being something that you parse yourself in order to interpret 
> your specific boundary conditions. I don't think that this would 
> necessarily be trivial to do, because you would have to work out (or 
> duplicate from our source code) the element rotations on each face, etc. 
>  Alternatively, you could just recreate your mesh files with surface ID's 
> (or sidesets, as Cubit calls them) that are compatible with this function. 
> You'd then have to interpret the meaning of each boundary on a case-by-case 
> basis for each mesh.
> I hope that this explains in sufficient detail why our mesh reader is as 
> limited as it is.
> Regards,
> Jean-Paul
> On Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 8:31:07 PM UTC+2, Jie Cheng wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Recently I started to reconstruct my old hand-written finite element code 
>> with deal.II. Although deal.ii offers a lot of useful functionalities that 
>> make my life much easier, there is one thing I find inconvenient and not 
>> sure what to do.
>> I'd like to read the mesh file from Abaqus, which can be done with 
>> GridIn::read_abaqus. But it seems unable to process the boundary conditions 
>> (Dirichlet bc such as displacement) and loads (Neumann bc such as traction, 
>> pressure). The way abaqus uses to express boundary conditions is as 
>> following:
>> *Nset, nset=fix-xy, generate
>>>    1,  133,   33
>>> *Elset, elset=fix-xy, generate
>>>   1,  97,  32
>>> ... ...
>>> ** Name: BC-1 Type: Displacement/Rotation
>>> *Boundary
>>> Part-1-1.fix-xy, 1, 1
>>> Part-1-1.fix-xy, 2, 2
>> Basically it marks the node and element ids on which the bc is defined.
>> And the way abaqus deals with loads is:
>> *Elset, elset=_top_S3, internal, generate
>>>   97,  128,    1
>>> *Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=top
>>> _top_S3, S3
>>> ... ...
>>> ** LOADS
>>> ** 
>>> ** Name: Load-1   Type: Surface traction
>>> *Dsload, constant resultant=YES
>>> Part-1-1.top, TRVEC, 10., 0., -1., 0.
>>> ** 
>> It writes down the element ids and face ids of the faces that we are 
>> interested in.
>> As you can see, both are dependent on the mesh, rather than the geometry. 
>> Is there a way to import this information to deal.II? More specifically, I 
>> want to generate a map of global_dof_index to boundary values for the 
>> boundary conditions, and a non-zero boundary id for the element faces 
>> subjected to load.
>> Thank you
>> Jie

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