Dear Anna,

> I have successfully computed the secondary electric field for 3D case as 
> described in the paper by Grayver&Buerg, 2014. These field is declared as 
> BlockVector<double> solution, where the block correspond to real and 
> imaginary parts.
> Now I would like to compute total electric E (secondary plus primary) and 
> magnetic field (coef* curlE)

I am not sure what the terms "primary" and "secondary" fields mean. If
they are electric field and electric displacement, be aware that they
are in different function spaces!

> 2) The other option is to follow the advice by Ross Kynch, and have loop over 
> cells, quadrature points and dofs to get local contributions to total 
> electric and magnetic field.
> In this case I am not sure how then I get a global vector.

When you do this, please do not forget the de Rham complex: the curl
of a Nedelec element is a Raviart-Thomas element. So, if you do the
postprocessing, you should either choose such an element to store your
values, or a DG element containing the Raviart-Thomas space.


Prof. Dr. Guido Kanschat
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg

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