Dear all, 

the following announcement may be of interest to you or to some of your 
students. We are actively seeking for a deal.II experienced programmer ASAP!



A one year postdoctoral position is available at SISSA @ mathLab, starting from 
May 1, 2018

(see for the application procedure and the position 

Fields of the research activity: 
- Numerical modeling and simulation of nanometric electronic devices
- Modeling the electrical properties of materials, including structural defects 
and interfaces, providing a link between ab-initio simulation software and the 
traditional Technology-CAD software used in the semiconductor industry. 
- 3D Finite Element simulations of the potential and temperature fields in the 
device and of the charge continuity and drift-diffusion equations using the 
deal.II ( library. 

The candidate will work closely with the MDLSOFT company 

Duration of the research fellowship: 12 months, renewable, gross remuneration 
per year: € 24.336,00 

Candidates are required to have at least two confidential letters of reference 
sent to the address, before the deadline (13th of April 

Requisites for the admission to the selection procedure: University degree: 
Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Electronic 
Engineering, Industrial Engineering (Aerospace, Mechanics, Nuclear, Energetics, 
or equivalent), Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics. 

Proven experience in: Mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, and simulation 
for complex systems governed by PDEs - advanced C++ programming skills - 
knowledge / use of development platforms in Windows and Linux for scientific 

Preferential Title: PhD in Mathematical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, 
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, Numerical Analysis, 
Computational Science and Engineering. 

Excellent knowledge of high-level programming languages, such as C / C ++ / 
Python; Use of advanced software libraries for Scientific Computing; Finite 
element discretization techniques.

Luca Heltai

Luca Heltai <>
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Phone:  +39 040 3787 449, Office: 608
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