
Le ven. 19 oct. 2018 à 06:33, Michał Wichrowski
<mtwichrow...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> 1) The number of iterations and residual are obviously strange. I guess that 
> ARPACK solver does not update SlolverControl object
That's correct. SolverControl is used to set ARPACK's parameters but
it is not updated by ARPACK so the number of iterations and the
residual are garbage.

> 2) The largest eigenvalue is computed instead of the largest one, and, I 
> guess, the smallest eigenvalue is computed instead of the largest one.
If you use ARPACK through deal without patching it, then the only
method available is shift-inverse. The thing is that when you know the
largest eigenvalue of the inverse you can get the smallest eigenvalue
of the operator. So yes, the names are reversed.

> 3) I get complex eigenvalues in some cases and I am quite sure, that all 
> eigenvalues of the system are real.
I've not had this problem. Maybe it's because of numerical error?

> I noticed that in some cases the "smallest" eigenvalue does not match maximum 
> eigenvalue obtained from power method.
Are you sure that the power method has converged? Also, try using
ARPACK's regular mode instead of shift-inverse. I think it might be
better to find the largest eigenvalue.



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