Dear Prof. Bangerth,

Thank you very much! 
FEFieldFunction<dim> fe_function_finest (dof_handler_finest, solution_finest
And I can use the fe_function_finest in function:  VectorTools::

And now I have another question: I want to compute numerical solutions in 
different widths of meshgrid, so I need different triangulations, 
dof_handlers, solution vectors. And I need to compute the finest one at 
first because I need to use the solution_finest as the 'exact solution'. 
The question is how to coarse the meshgrid after getting the 
solution_finest? If I want to refine the mesh, I will use 
'triangulation.refine(1)'. But I don't know how to coarse the mesh. Or 
maybe I have to define different triangulations, dof_handlers at first, and 
compute different solution vectors. If so, the code will be very long. 
Thank you very much!


> You can't do this directly -- the function just wants an object that can 
> be evaluated at arbitrary points. Passing a vector by itself will not 
> help: a vector is just a bunch of numbers, but it does not by itself 
> explain how it is to be interepreted. Indeed, a vector by itself is 
> meaningless unless you also specify a DoFHandler that makes the 
> connection between nodal values, where these nodes are located in 
> physical space, and how the shape functions are defined. 
> But there is a class that combines all of this knowledge and that then 
> represents a finite element field (=DoFHandler + Vector) as a function: 
> FEFieldFunction. Take a look at that class, as it implements the 
> interface of a Function object that can be passed in the place you point 
> out. It is not particularly fast, but should allow you to do what you 
> want. 
> Of course, you have to make sure that both the 'dof' and 'fe_function' 
> arguments to the VectorTools::integrate_difference() function match 
> (i.e., you can't just save a solution vector, and then refine the 
> triangulation and thereby change the DoFHandler), as well as the 
> DoFHandler and Vector objects you pass to FEFieldFunction. 
> Best 
>   W. 
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:        
> <javascript:> 
>                             www: 

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